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Category: Quiz/Survey

Survey Stolen from Byron

  1. 1. Cats or dogs?   Cats, they’re more chill
  2.  Pop music or Rock music? Pop, unless it’s 90’s alternative rock
  3.  Stuff animals or dolls?     Bratz, ftw
  4.  Pancakes or waffles?         Pancakes for sure!! Fuck waffles, If you only knew my war against Waffles right now!!
  5.  Hot chocolate or coffee?    Coffee, the caramel ones from Starbucks you buy from the grocery store is delicious!
  6.  Morning or evening?         Mornings
  7.  Day or night?                     Day
  8.  Text message or call?        Call, please! I am one of those ppl you will talk to for hours
  9.  Library or museums?       Museums, I love going to the Museum! I am a D.C. girl after all
  10.  French or Spanish?          Neither. Japanese ftw
  11.  Summer or winter?            Summer, I am a summer baby after all!
  12.  Theater or cinema?        I never knew there was a difference 🤭
  13.  Love or money?            Love. Only brokeass ppl will say money, but once you have money it’s empty and meaningless. I’d rather have someone I can spend life with.
  14.  Book or movie?                Movies, I hate reading
  15.  Tea or coffee?             Coffee. I just learned I can’t drink tea, because it was what was causing my acid reflux all these years!! 😮😮
  16.  Chocolate or vanilla?      Chocolate forever 😋
  17.  Coca-Cola or Pepsi?      Coke taste better, but I’ve drink more pepsi in my lifetime
  18.  Rain or snow?                 Snow
  19.  Car or motorcycle?          Car
  20.  Comedy or horror?           Comedy, I don’t watch horror
  21.  Hamburgers or hot dogs? Hot dogs, but it gotta be the ones they sell on the National Mall 
  22.  Paper or plastic?             Trash bags? I mean both are really bad 
  23.  Boat or plane?                  Plane
  24.  Painting or drawing?        Paintings are beautiful
  25.  Reading or writing?         I hate both, especially writing. Typing is better 
  26.  Singing or dancing?         Dancing
  27.  T-Shirts or sweaters?      T-Shirts, I don’t even think I own a sweater 
  28.  Flowers or trees?           Flowers
  29.  Phone or computer?        Computer. I can survive without a phone. I cannot survive without my precious computer(s)
  30.  Brown or black hair?     Most people have an off black hair. B1 is like a black, but a off black. Actual black hair looks crazy, it has to be an off black which is basically a very dark shade of brown lol  
  31.  Superman or Batman?     Batman
  32.  Doctor Who or the Walking Dead? I never seen either! 
  33.  Lions or Bears?               Lions
  34.  Milk or juice?                    Chocolate milk ftw, but I stopped drinking milk a year ago
  35.  Gold or silver?                  Gold
  36.  50’s or 80’s music?         Neither, 90’s music was good
  37.  Google or Bing?                It doesn’t matter, but I guess my electronics are programmed to use Google
  38.  Frozen yogurt or ice cream? Ice cream, I’ve never had frozen yogurt and I just learned I’m allergic to yogurt 🤭
  39.  Blue or green eyes?....        All eye colors are cute
  40.  Witches or wizards?.....        Witches
  41.  Fire or ice?                       Fire
  42.  Straight or curly hair?.....        Both are cute! 
  43.  Fruits or vegetables?....        Fruit
  44.  Burgers or pizza?....             Pizza forever winning
  45.  Roses or daisies?.....           Roses. My childhood home had a rose bush that I loved so much
  46.  Pandas or whales?....          Whales are dope, but pandas are so cute
  47.  McDonald’s or Burger King?...   Burger King, Mcdonalds is so gross
  48.  Books or magazines?....       Magazines ftw!
  49.  Circles or squares?....          I like 90 degree angels, so squares
  50.  Ketchup or mustard?....       Ketchup, I never had mustard
  51.  Money or fame?....               Fame, I like the idea of popularity, but for the right reasons
  52.  Piercings or tattoos?... Neither
  53.  Puzzles or board games?... Both are really fun
  54.  Living room or bedroom?....  Bedroom
  55.  Sandals or sneakers?....   Sandals
  56.  Apples or oranges?....       Apples forever
  57.  Bagels or toast?....         Toast
  58.  Weird or crazy?....          Neither
  59.  Skates or bike?....             Bike
  60.  Go skiing or snowboarding?......snowboard
  61.  Watch or play sports?    ........Play, I hate watching sports, but I will play all day long
  62.  Swim in a pool or in the sea?..... Pool
  63.  Sweet or salty?              ........Sweet
  64.  Cars or trucks?              ........Trucks
  65.  Leather or lace?            .........Lace
  66. The Breakfast club or Pretty in Pink? Both are classics, both I don’t care for
  67.  Steak or chicken?         Neither
  68.  Alaska or Hawaii?         Hawaii wtf LOL, ppl who choose Alaska are crazy
  69.  Shower or tub?            Tub. I love taking baths and I wish my current apartment had a tub
  70.  TV Shows or movies?  Anime
  71.  Breakfast or dinner?     Breakfast 
  72.  Bananas or apples?     Apples forever 
  73.  Facebook or Twitter?   SpaceHey
  74.  Mountains or beach?   Beach. Mountains scare me 
  75.  Digital watch or analog? Digital
  76.  Freedom or hope?       Freedom. Why would I need hope if I’m already free
  77.  Alice in Wonderland or Robinson Crusoe? ........ who is robinson? Never heard of them
  78.  Snow White or Cinderella? ........Cinderella, Snow white is soo weird
  79.  Sitting or standing?             ........Sitting, I love sitting
  80.  Comedy or drama?             ........Comedy
  81.  Being too warm or too cold?  .....too warm is perfect and how I like it
  82.  Online shopping or in-person shopping? person is better, but online has options you can’t find in stores which sucks, but also helps a lot!
  83.  Wild animals or domestic animals?         .........Animals are animals to me
  84.  Family or friends?               ...........Friends
  85. How I Met Your Mother or Friends?         ...........I never seen any of those shows. I just see memes about it. I like Seinfeld 

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