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Category: Books and Stories

my reading journey

I am literally so embarrassed to tell anyone I read now because I used to be one of those losers who would be like, ew who even reads or I haven't read since like the 2nd grade (true), and now in less than an year I have started to read after going through a short depressive episode for like no reason and read over 150 books in a span of 6 months in 2021. One of my biggest achievements ever. Anyways, I still talk to the same 5 people I've been friends with for the past few years and I am slowly starting to tell them I am starting to read and they're clowning me and I just act like I didn't just read 150 books in 6 months!!!!

Anyways here's some things I have learnt since I started reading
  1.  Booktok recommends few of the worst books ever, its always the stereotypical romance books with the same characters with the same plot with the same issues like uihefuiewg fyu
  2.  I highly recommend look into instagram recs !!!! 
  3. Japanese novels are literally either extremely fcked up to the point you're like what am I reading??? or theyre very slow and just pointless. Eg. haruki murakami books are always about a boy who always ends up sleeping with some girl and theres always a depression plot in every book, the story is always so slow and long too 
  4. if you want to start using an app I rec story graph if you want graphic results for your reading data or good recs but if you dont want then use goodreads. Don't be like me and start on good reads to the point where you are too used to it to move onto a new app 
  5. Reading doesn't have any specifics!!! I feel like the community is quite stereotyped esp by people in the community where they expect you to have read certain books, have the same opinions etc. BUT YOU DON"T HAVE TO!!! Trust me you don't have to read every classic book to ever exist, still haven't read a single one, you don't have to like every five star book, you are allowed to freely read and express your opinions !
Thank you for reading me rant :)) 

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