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Category: Quiz/Survey

quoz (answered)

1. You just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit? 


2. You just walked into a bookstore. What section do you go to first? 
mystery/thriller orrrrrrrrr romance

3. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing?

4. You just turned your car on. What station is the radio tuned to? 
102.7 orrrr one of the 90's station i dont have it memorized lol

5. You have just woken up for the morning. What is the first things you do? 

6. Complete this phrase: You cannot buy happiness, but you can buy____. 
fashionable clothes duh

7. What would you do if you woke up as the opposite gender? 
look at my dick

8. Are you more likely to cook for yourself or buy food from a restaurant? 
im lazy as hell probably buy food

9. If you had to lose one of your senses, which one would you rather lose? 
taste so i can stop being a picky ass eater and be healthy 

10. If you could relive any one year of your life, how old would you be? 
uhhhhhh def not last year that was a shitty year

11. Would you take a bullet for anyone you know? 
no im too selfish 

12. Would you rather be rich and dumb or poor and extremely intelligent? 
rich and dumb im already half way there lmao

13. What TV character do you most relate to? 
phoebe buffay tbh LMAO

14. You just walked into a supermarket. What section do you first go to? 
the ice cream section because im a whore for mint chip and an unhealthy bitch THAT RHYMED OMG

15. Is sex before marriage wrong? 
idc abt what other ppl do but for me no cuz i might be single forever so i would be a virgin til the day i die hell no

16. You just won the lottery. What is the first thing you do with your winnings? 
i'd probably spend it on clothes and accessories idk how to manage money sry

17. If your best friend admitted that they have a crush on you, how would you react? 
ummmmmm well best friend #1 i would be confused and concerned cuz she got a bf and bff #2 i would b happy cuz hes hot

18. Will the USA ever have a female president? 
how the hell do i know

19. You are carpooling with your friends. Are you more likely to be the driver or a passenger?
passenger ion got no license yet

20. How short is too short for skirts and dresses? 
no such thing as too short unless ur whole ass crack is showing

21. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, without any consequences, what food would you choose?
oh shit tacos cuz that makes my stomach hurt i cant eat them but they SOOOOO good

22. It’s Saturday night. What are you most likely doing? 

23. You go on a blind date. Your date is extremely beautiful and physically captivating, but you hate their personality. Would you want a second date? 

24. How strict should gun laws be? 
um idfk 

25. Would you rather be the worst player on the best team or the best player on the worst team? 
worst on best team, i already am llmao

26. How well do you work with others? 
depends on the person

27. You have the ability to cure only one fatal disease and eradicate it forever. What disease do you choose? 
is cancer a fatal disease

28. If you could go back to college and choose a different degree to study, would you? 
i want to go into fashion, photograohy or forensic psychology

29. Where do you see yourself ten years from now? 
hopefully i have a life

30. Are you pro-life or pro-choice? 
pro choice, not my place to tell other ppl what to do to their body

31. Would you attend a same sex wedding if invited? 
hell yeah

32. So far, what has been the greatest day of your life? 
idfk i dont want to think

33. Has anyone you know ever been arrested? 

34. If it could be one season year-round, what season do would you want it to be? 
WINTER or fall prob

35. What is your biggest regret in life? 
leaving her

36. If you could bring one celebrity back from the dead, who would it be? 
paul walker prob idk

37. What offends you the most? 
girl idfk

38. Would you rather have an ugly hairstyle or be bald? 
ugly but like messy but make it hot messy

39. At what age did you have your first alcoholic beverage?

40. What do you think happens to us when we die? 
i go to heaven hopefully lmao

41. What do you think is the best way to quit smoking? 
dont smoke?

42. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which animal would you choose? 
is a rabbit in a zoo cuz....

43. We’re humans created or did we evolve from earlier species? 

44. What scares you the most? 

45. What personality trait turns you off the most? 

46. You got offered a job to do something you hate, but the pay will make you rich. Do you take it? 

47. If today you only had what you were thankful for yesterday, how much would you have?

48. How often do you get mad or upset at yourself? 
all the time

49. If you could choose one celebrity to be your parent, who would you choose? 
dont ask me questions idk the answers to

50. If you could only listen to one musical artist for the rest of you life, who would you be listening to? 


51. Have you ever used you cell phone while driving?
cant drive lol

52. Had anyone you were close to die way too young? 

53. Is world peace possible? 

54. You go on a blind date. You date is extremely ugly and physically appalling, but you are madly in love with their personality. Would you want a second date? 
no they have to be at least a LITTLE attractive

55. How did you discover that Santa Claus isn’t real? 
OMG WHAT????????? HE ISNT??????????????????????

56. Do you believe in God, or some form of higher deity? 

57. If you could save someone you deeply cared about, but it meant breaking a law, would you do it? 
uhhh maybe

58. What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done for money? 
lick the floor LMAO

59. If you were to make a YouTube video about what you know most about, what would the subject be?

60. What do you think is your greatest personality flaw? 
my ego LMFOAF

61. If your friends spoke to you the way you speak to yourself, would you still want them as friend? 

62. Have you ever “woke up like this”? 

63. You got offered a job to do something you love, but the pay is one of the worst out there. Do you take it? 

64. What do you think is your best physical feature? 
my eyes 

65. What do you think is your worst physical feature. 
my entire mouth

66. Do you know anyone who has committed suicide? 

67. What is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for someone you don't know?
i held the door open for someone idk

68. Have you ever had a night's dream come true?

69. How would you reject a date offer from someone you didn't like?
im taken

70. Which do you think is worse: Failure, or never trying at all?
never trying tbh

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