Survey thingie while I wait for my next class lol

•×•Welcome 2 Merry_Macabre's "Uncomfortably Specific Questions" Survey!! xD •×•

× Name ×
Hal, but I don't care if you also call me variations on my online tags (I.E. Toxic, ToxicCatnip, Catnip, or HAL-9000 etc)

× Age ×

× Height ×
5'10 lol you're all so short XD

× Weight ×

× Relationship Status ×

× Emotional Status ×
Bitch where? My emotions haven't been in check for like a decade lol

× Vital Status ×
posture like a shrimp, skinny like spaghetti

× Male or Female ×
non-binary with masc tendencies

× Romantic Preference ×
Bisexy ;P

× Done Drugs? ×
Smoked pot a few times, didn't do much except one time when I threw up a shit ton

× Drank Alcohol? ×
Hell Yeah dude!

× Do You Smoke? ×
Pot, not really, I mean if there's edibles available I'd take them. I used to Juul but I kind of just... stopped? one day? I hate how smoking hurts my throat but I would absolutely smoke a cigarette to look like a mysterious badass lol XD

× Siblings ×
Shitty younger brother

× Do You Want Marriage? ×
Right now? fuck no. I need to sort my shit out first man.

× Do You Want Children? ×

× Any Crushes? ×
Yeah, but they're almost all fictional lol

× Physical Disabilities ×
no thank fuck, but apparently heart problems run in my family so ig I better watch out

× Mental Disorders ×
ADHD, Depression, GAD, OCD (kindaa? it was diagnosed by one doctor, but another doctor said I prob didn't, have it? IDK lol) 

× Preference In Height? ×
As long as they're not a midget lol idc

× Preference In Age? ×
My age or older, as long as they look good lol (seriously how the fuck does Bruce Campbell still look so damn good at fucking SIXTY THREE dude)

× Preference In Nationality? ×
Not really lolz 

× Biggest Fear ×
Turning out "Just like my mom". I fucking hate my mom. Also maggots/parasites eating me alive *shivers* I really should get over that one since I'm a Forensic Investigation major lol

× A Fear You Got Over ×
Heights, skeletons (lol I was such a pussy as a kid XD)

× Something You Like About People That Others Find Weird Or Gross ×
French Kissing ;) and how you can sometimes tell what the other person ate recently when you french w/ them XD

× Creepiest Habit ×
I still imaging myself brutally killing my old bullies sometimes lol that's probably no good

× Favorite Feature About Yourself ×
Honestly, I really like everything about me except for my teeth and the occasional zit

× Favorite Color(s) ×
black (duh) Gray, Blue, Olive Green, that Flannelly Red color, White and most muted hues of normal colors

× Tattoos ×
None yet, but I might get some if I can be certain it won't cause an allergic reaction

× Piercings ×
None lol I always use fake piercings cause I'm afraid of commitment lolzorz

× Monster Or Coffee ×
Monster Obviously! Preferably mango or watermelon XDD

× Is There Anyone You Have Something To Say To? ×

× Did You Like This Survey? Will You Recommend It To Friends? ×

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