wars and lies

Biden has announced he's moving the goal post. he's not ending the war may 1st as was agreed to instead, he's moving it to get this, 9/11/21. i recall a rumor i heard once that bad things always happen on september 11th. we all have the obvious example of something bad that happened that date but theres tons more and i think we can add this to the list cause it's a lie he won't end the war. don't believe me? well how bout some evidence of another time he had the power to end it, said he would, and then refused to follow up on that promise.

(web archive link incase the tweet somehow gets deleted though it's been 9 years if it hasn't been deleted already chances are it'll never be: https://web.archive.org/web/20190622082803/https://twitter.com/barackobama/status/256576278818353152?lang=en) that's right biden was cuaght in the lie back then too, it was his words. barack actually ran on ending the war, he didn't. you know why? money. war is profitable to the establishment so when the bushes started the war it was of course driven by a desire for money not revenge. 9/11 was the cover up reason. all things considered theres literal conspiracies it was an inside job and they're believable. people voted for obama believing the war to be a republican thing and thinking a democrat would end it. nope cuz the democrat that got office right after was part of the establishment. a puppet to the masters behind the scene at that time biden was VP. so yes, biden was always part of the establishment. it was infront of our eyes. it was rage at the forever wars and other failed policies of the democrats that got trump elected. as it turns out, that wasn't supposed to happen. this is why hillary was so adamant she had the election stolen from her but never fought it in court. she had no standing. the standing she would of had would have revealed she should have been disqualified from the start. guess what happened when biden ran. the same strategy except, this time the establishment managed to make enough ballots. we had 2 candidates break the record for most votes in the same election. doesn't that strike you as fishy? i don't care how motivated people where people where motivated in 2016 as well. i remember it well, that was the election i became a 3rd party advocate. it also would have been my first election had i registered that year. (hard to get things done when you don't have a drivers license and have to rely on others to drive you places trust me i'm working on that.) and of course we did see a vote numbers record broken that year, something the establishment likely didn't expect. who was the only president in the last decade to make an effort to end this war? the cheetoh, of course. thats why we would have been out by may 1st had he still been president. he was a man of his word. the promises he didn't keep where the ones he needed more time on or where hindered in 2020 by democrats in other seats of power (cough cumo and witmer cough) you may notice a pattern in these presidents though. they all seem to have a pattern of being chosen. so who's the puppeteer? there is one person who has been in a seat of power throughout the whole war. nanci pelosi just so happened to become speaker of the house in 2011. while maybe not the original puppeteer, she definitely was behind bush jr. and obama. she fought tooth and nail against trump, the raging bull who broke past the establishment and wrecked their sh!t. and is still speaker with biden in office. odd isen't it? i'm absolutely sure she is the puppeteer even AOC was anti-establishment till she got close to nanci and now, not only is AOC very dictator like theres been roumurs she's poised to either take nanci's seat or run for president. either way that's a big leap in power. it makes sense. what happened when a leftist criticized her on twitter? cops showed up to the dudes house. we aren't just now in a banana republic, we've been living in one. and the one person who could challenge the establishment got cheated out and as a result our f@sc!st dictator behind the scenes (again it is my belief that it's pelosi soon to be AOC) have the power and control they need to keep the forever wars going as long as they want. and they won't end it because that means they lose money.

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andrew covell

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i should probably add a note here this blog is old i never expected biden to actually "pull out" before his stated date it was a mess though and i have no doubt the pull out will be used as excuse to go back which we should not do the war was lost when biden pulled out the way he did as an opposed to when we where originally going to pull out that being said i left this blog up cuz it contains important information about the situation and how it ended up being as bad as it was but also this shows that the pull out was not because it was ever planned to pull out maybe you don't get it now but when my prediction about it being used as an excuse to go back comes true maybe it'll become clear to you then oh theres also another reason i'm leaving it up and that is i think it's important people see the kind of things people where thinking before the pull out

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