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Category: Quiz/Survey

My Reply To Pauline's Sundae (but sweet) Survey

1) Are you prepared to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
It depends on what kind of question! Let's give a tentative "sure". =P

2) If you were a character in a movie or a television show, what genre would you live in?
Sci-fi Romance? If not, then Fantasy Romance. ;]

3) If you had the power to completely eradicate one disease, which would you choose to abolish?
Is cancer a viable option? It's a real problem--duplicating cells when they're supposed to die, that is. Cells should stay dead when they have to die! Perhaps the cure could like kill off the living-for-too-long cells similar to those anti-dandruff shampoos?

4) If you lived in a medieval village, what would your job be?
I heard pay for night soil men wasn't too bad. I mean, sure, I'd be picking up literal excretion, but hey. I could terrorize anyone with it as well! Win-win. *thinks*

5) Does anybody beside yourself know your deepest, juiciest secret? Do you ever intend to tell anyone, like, at all?
Err, no. I'd never tell anyone my deepest and juiciest secret/s! I have to keep some things truly mine. =P

6) What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Craziest? My life has always been crazy! When has it ever been calm? Hmm, now thinking about it, crazy would mean "too normal". Let's see... Well, this year and last year have been crazy in comparison to the past five grade levels of my life.

7) What small things annoy you to an irrational degree?
Nitpicky people! I mean, I'm already that person. I don't need anybody else to be taking my place. Oh, and other dominant people! I tend to like leading things and not a lot of people like taking that role voluntarily. I'm not used to "power" rivals, so... I can get a little competitive about that. But, we'll eventually figure something out. You know, like handing the crown over to one person or the other. It depends!

8) There's an old, old man who lives deep in the forest. He's immortal, and was born in the year 0 or something. You may ask him one question. What do you ask?
"How can I recreate meeting you again in my lifetime?"

9) How are you? No, really. How are you? Not "Fine," nor, "Good, thanks, and you?" How are you, really? Now, today, at this moment?
Well, I'm honestly terrified and listening to this pretty cool playlist--except, it's playing on Discord because I'm on a call with my best friends!

10) If you could enhance one of your senses twofold (e.g. your smelling ability would be twice as good as it is now), which would you choose to enhance?
As of what would annoy me the least, it would be my sense of taste. Yup, let's enhance that! It's not only because I remember how it feels like to have a very sensitive tongue, but also because now I'll know how to cope with it. I'll simply have to eat subjectively delicious food all the time! =P

11) Would you rather get stuck on an island with your ex or a python?
With an ex. If you asked me which I would pick between psychological torment or physical torment, I would pick my ex. If it happened to be one of my terrible exes, then their buttocks would last me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The cold night would then refrigerate the rest of them for later consumption.

On the other hand, if it was a totally nice ex and it were actually both of our faults that we ended up separating, then I'd probably keep them company for survival's sake. I mean, they aren't my sister or brother so it wouldn't be incest at the start. Oh, the poor children. Totally disregarding the biological limits, of course. But before that, we'd obviously try and ask for help. Writing "HELP US" on some giant obvious canvas. And, well, waiting for help. My maximum waiting time would be three to six months, given that I won't be dying until then.

12) Have you ever walked on the beach at night?
I have! It was very chilly and I could have gotten hypothermia if I was uninformed enough to swim in the water! However, playing in the sand is a whole 'notha pleasantry.

13) Think of a song and write down the first song that comes to mind. What is it?
Well, I'm listening to "Bubblegum Bitch" by Marina and the Diamonds right now.

It reminds me of a Matthew Koma song called "One Night"! The "bubblegum" allegory was used in the same two songs and well, I quite love the parallel.

14) Is there something you want to tell someone, but haven't/can't? Why not, and how do you think they'd react if you told them?
Not right now. It's not something "I want them to know". Plus, it's both good and bad. Additionally, even if I did want to tell "everyone", it would be way too many people to count. It would exceed the number of fingers on my hands and toes.

15) Have you ever had a recurring dream or nightmare? What is it?
Typical. Paranormal-supernatural-fantastical-sex/toilet humor dreams. It's almost never about the people I know.

16) Has your gut feeling or first impression about something ever been wrong?
Only when I'm infatuated, romantically like someone, fear someone, or have been manipulated/gaslit.

17) Have you ever cried in public? Where?
Of course! Many times. School, the mall, the bus, the car, anywhere, really. Just that I'm a silent weeper and it often does not leave behind a trace (redness, swelling, etc.).

18) How does your hair look?
Ran my hand through my mane and it's doing hotly!

19) Do you think making out is slutty?
It depends. Is it non-consensual? Consensual, and I don't think so. Paid for or not. Then again, I'd be like an armchair kisser. I've never had a first kiss. I mean, why would I count my kiddy kisses?

20) Do you want a tattoo?
Do you? Pauline, even if I did, it would be something symbolical like my damn zodiac sign! Kidding, kidding. But really, it'd be something close that represents me.

21) If you were allowed to dye your hair, what color would you pick?
The most royal blue. Should I get a tinge of yellow too! MACAW!

22) Would you ever try being a vegetarian?
Sure! Cheese, milk, and eggs are all I need!

23) If you were given $1 million but could only listen to the kidz bop version of the songs, would you take the money?
I'd rather not take the money. Some 16-year-old who won the lottery prize of 1.8 million bucks spent it all in 20 years doing dumb things and is now living off benefits. I wouldn't want to spoil myself that bad. It'd be like a downwards spiral and uncontrollable, knowing the kind of person I am. Right now, my knowledge in stocks isn't the very best. I'd need to study first. Ask me another time and my answer may change. ;)

24) What weapon would you use in a zombie apocalypse?
Something military-grade and reusable. You forgot to specify that it needed to be something realistic and reachable, so... I'd definitely get a tool that won't need much skill and raw power to use like... A stave! It'd be the perfect balance between needing something sorta long range and reusable.

25) If you were given the chance to pick one superpower, what would it be and why?
Levitation! I answered something like this years ago and chose levitation. It would be amazing to fly anywhere I want and make other things fly in particular using ESP.

26) Which sundae makes your dae?
Bottom middle! <3
Bottom middle! <3

27) What do you dislike the most? It could be anything (e.g. something that makes you cringe/make a face/make your insides crawl).
The most? Compulsive liars. I mean, they don't always mean any harm, but when your mother and one of your first best friends are one, all of a sudden, the story makes sense. *rolls eyes*

28) Favourite color?
Bold colors! Red, yellow, black, white, green, strong blue (never the somber kind), and yellow!

29) What's your favorite word?
"y'all" T_T

30) If you could ask your future self one thing, what would it be?
Be true to yourself. Stay awesome.

Thank you too, Pauline! You're being way too kind. I might make a survey of my own because of you! This has been very exciting and it's the first time I've ever been given one! How are you now? :'DDD

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