Sol's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

All about me survey!!!


name:: solstice
how old?:: 13
my birthday:: october 9
where am I from:: the USA
where am I living now:: the USA
what year am I in in school:: the middle school years lol


hair color:: Brown rn
eye color:: we'll say gray
face shape:: hmmm round??
body type:: kinda chubby
piercings:: I have the normal claire ear piercings
tattoos:: i do not have any lol
style:: uhhhh not alt lol


color:: Purple/pastel green
animal:: reptiles and amphibians
actor:: Dont have one lol
actress:: still dont have one
artist:: idk, i like mitski, a few songs by cavetown, everybodys worried about owen
Band:: HMMMMM this is hard lol,,, foo fighters are good
song:: changes too much
lyric:: uhhhhh
quote:: i dont like quotes but ive heard "when life gives you lemons die" once or twice and its funny
food:: pizza or spaghetti, mac n cheese too
meal:: cheeseburgers
soft drink:: colas 
chocolate:: milk chocolate
candy:: m&ms
place:: ur moms house
childhood memory:: cant remember
recent memory:: hanging out with zeroo
ice cream flavor:: chocolate, butter pecan, and mint chocolate chip
TV show:: hmmm
Movie:: heathers
Book:: i cant choose lol
girls name:: ur
boys name:: mom
youtuber:: markiplier 
celebrity:: none lol
word:: uhhhhhh a cuss word or something idk lmao
sport to play:: [they all suck]
sport to watch:: they suck more than the rest
piecing:: snake bites
tattoo:: snake designs
music genre:: I dont like pop but I like most songs


single/taken:: single

if single

got a crush:: yup !! :P
name:: uuhhhh no ^/////^
age:: around mine
how long have I like them:: like 5 or 6 months
how close are you guys:: I mean pretty close
Favorite thing about them:: themmm


sexuality:: Pan
a secret:: hmmm I dont have any other than having a crush
a strange fact:: I'm a therian
any addictions:: I used to have a borderline addiction to cola but I ended that

Have you ever

drank:: just a tiny bit
been drunk:: nope
done drugs:: only the medical kind 
been high:: nopeee
been in love:: yeah
been kissed:: not on the lips
been on a date:: nopppee
rejected someone:: haha no i havent
been rejected:: I have
Failed a class:: The lowest grade I've had was a B
Failed a year:: no
Been suspended:: noopeee
Been expelled:: never
snuck out:: never
stolen something:: hasnt everyone?
got stage fright:: yeah
thrown up:: unfortunately yes
Thrown up on someone:: nopeee
been to a concert:: unfortunately not
Met someone famous:: no
been to a fair:: when they're here
been to a carnival:: eh
been to a circus:: once
been on a ship:: yessss
been on a train:: the tiny ones at the zoo
driven a car:: in dreams and nightmares
crashed a car::Ive never even driven one lol
Been in an accident:: once before I was born
Had a near death experience:: uhhhhh not rlly
been to a festival:: yeah
had an obsession:: Kinda??? Hyperfixations and special interests are cuz im autistic so does it count???
If so with what:: horses, herpetology, and undertale
baked a cake:: yes
Been happy:: yes
Been depressed:: yes
Been in hospital:: kinda? I got stiches once
Had a serious illness:: Ive had covid so
Painted:: yeah
sold something:: no
run a marathon:: noopee
helped a charity:: i dont have the money for that
bought someone flowers:: kinda
been bought flowers:: yeah
cried in front of someone:: of course, who hasnt
Danced in front of someone:: ive been forced
performed on stage:: of course


separated parents?:: nope (wish they would)
siblings?:: two
how old:: 7 and 11
do you get along:: almost always with the 7 year old, sometimes with the 11
are you adopted:: nope
do you wish you were adopted:: no
do you like your home:: noo
do you want to leave:: yeahh, I've tried
to where:: IDK, but somewhere better than here

 Buying things

favorite clothing shop:: call me basic, but if hot topic is considered a clothing shop, i also like thrift shops
do you wear makeup:: rarely
how much:: like, literally only eyeliner
makeup shop:: I dont buy it
favorite fast food place:: RAISING CANES


did u like this quiz?:: yeah
quiz rating:: 7/10
are you having a good day:: sure

quiz link:

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