What color underwear are you wearing now? ⭒ candy pattern boxer-briefs What are you listening to right now? ⭒ markiplier fnaf security breach stream… What's your favorite number? ⭒ 3! What was the last thing you ate? ⭒ burrito How is the weather right now? ⭒ rainy ^^ Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? ⭒ my partner Do you have a significant other? ⭒ yeah !!! Siblings? ⭒ nope Favorite Holiday? ⭒ halloween and thanksgiving (I reject the origins of thanksgiving, I just like feasting w friends/family, and cooking) What was the last movie you watched? ⭒ venom: let there be carnage Are you too shy to ask someone out? ⭒ yeah lol, it got to the point my current bf was outright flirting with me so much they had to ask Chocolate or Vanilla? ⭒ vanilla! Piercings? ⭒ on my earlobes, I plan to get more (double helix on both sides, two more on my lobes, eyebrows, potentially a bridge piercing, others that are more personal but I have to wait after surgery to get them) Favorite football team? ⭒ I literally don’t care What were you doing before this? ⭒ re-painting my nails and cleaning my desk Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? ⭒ butter for sure, but I do like sweet popcorn Dogs or cats? ⭒ catssssss Favorite flower? ⭒ hydrangea Who would you like to see right now? ⭒ my online friends :< Do you like to travel by plane? ⭒ yes, as long as things go smoothly, I love airports Right-handed or Left-handed? ⭒ right, but my doctor says I have ambidextrous tendencies bc I use either hand I want to in reflex tests, and write like a left-handed person Do you have a Tattoo? ⭒ no :(
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