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Category: SpaceHey


Ditch the algorithms and mainstream social media tracking and misinformation machines. Join SpaceHey and begin to remember (or learn) what a more peaceful, open internet was like. It was an internet in which people conversed and shared ideas instead of being just another fish swimming through the algorithmic streams. Sure, there was ugliness and name-calling sometimes. No system is perfect. However, at least we were in control of our own thoughts and words rather than being guided along a path to make us feel more fearful, more angry, more resentful, and more polarized. Most of the ideological gobbledygook from both sides that people spew are just things they have read or heard from extremely biased and partisan sources. We have to do better than that. We have to be smarter than that. In the current day and age, any and all news can be fake news if you do not think for yourself and pay attention. At some point, it comes down to personal accountability for ones own thoughts and actions.

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