Are you missing someone right now? yes
Have you ever tried alcohol/drugs? Yes
Where would you like to live? Probably Germany or Japan
A fact(s) about the person you like: He is 4'11
What's your biggest regret in life? Mostly stuff from before I lost my grandpa
Have you ever told a lie? Why? Yes? Dont remember them but most people lie even about small things at times
What's your dream date? Going to an arcade or festival COVID Free
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be? Move out already
What's your best kiss? Every kiss with my partner probably
What's something you don't like? seafood
Who is your best friend? Why are they your best friend? Literally my partner because I have 0 friends (Lets be friends though!)
What song are you currently listening to? Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Who is your favorite celebrity? Not sure I dont get into celebrities often, maybe Andrew Rannels
If you could get anything free for the rest of your life, what would it be? healthcare
Ever had a crush on one of your friends? in the past
Do you have a crush on any of your friends right now? No
Do you have friends that live in a different state/country? Technically my partner is in another state for another month or os
Are you a very open person or private person? Open most of the time
What do you get complimented on the most? hair
How are you feeling right now? Tired and bored
Who was the last person you talked about sex with? My partner?
Have you ever online dated? Yes
Do you play video games? Yes
Do you believe in soul mates? I want to
What age do people usually mistake you for? anywhere from 13-17
What is your real age? 22
If you could date any celebrity, who would it be and why? Not sure really?
Who was the last person you talked to? My brother
Do you enjoy driving? Why or why not? No, still no license and losing my mom made me paranoid of it
What kind of smartphone do you have? Galaxy 10 I think
Is there anything you should be doing right now? replying to rps
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