So for the longest time, I never really gave much thought towards politics. It wasn't until I entered high school that I started giving it thought. With such an influx of differing points and views in high school (particularly among fellow students), my views morphed and changed a lot. There was the (very regrettable) right-wing phase, the (less regrettable) extreme-left phase, the centrist phase, and ultimately, for a few years, I just gave up and called myself apolitical (though I did in fact hold views) for the sake of not having to wrap my head around all the confusing terminology.
In the past few months, however, I've been looking inward and realized that I basically have a set-in-stone set of views nowadays, which I will discuss below. I'm not entirely sure how you'd classify them in regards to existing schools of thought, and in fact, I may have come up with an entirely new school of thought altogether.
Here goes:
In regards to economics, I like the idea of free, unregulated market (ideally free of monopolies, but nothing's perfect) and especially the idea of property rights. In that respect, I especially identify with Libertarian schools of thought. I wholly support the second amendment right to keep and bear arms, as unfortunately we live in a society full of crime, so it's best to have some means of self-protection, not to mention that guns can come in handy for hunting for food instead of relying on the fucked-up slaughterhouse system, as well as being a legitimate hobby (albeit one that you MUST practice good safety and discretion with).
In regards to social issues, I'm very left-wing in that aspect. I believe in everyone's right to exist and live happily, so long as they're not harming anybody (i.e. racists, bigots, and pedophiles can go fuck themselves). I love the idea of free universal healthcare like basically every other western country beyond America has, and the prospect of easy-to-access gender-affirming care for trans and non-binary individuals age 16 or older. Below that age, I wholly support access to puberty blockers, but maybe hold off on full HRT until 16, when you can absolutely guaranteeably make an informed decision for yourself. Social transition is also completely fine at any age. Now bear in mind, I am a cisgender male, so I don't claim to know everything about trans rights issues. Even still, I support trans and non-binary people's right to exist happily. I also support all other forms of LGBT rights, as I am LGBT myself (pansexual).
I also believe in the right to seek welfare, disability payments, and other means of keeping yourself afloat when life isn't going so good for you at the moment. However, beyond the universal healthcare and government sanctioned payments, I believe the government should have a much smaller role in how America works. The people aren't dumb; they know how to govern themselves if necessary. So beyond making life easier for the people (which I feel is one of the government's main reasons for existing in the first place - to serve its people as best they can), they should take on a smaller role; give the states, towns, and small communities the chance to govern themselves how they see fit. I'm aware that that would mean some communities would be very exclusive of people they don't like (for example, communities without LGBT people cuz whoever's in charge doesn't like us), but that can also mean that new communities can be formed that act as a safe haven. Ultimately, in true Libertarian fashion (not 4chan's version of Libertarianism tho, which is basically just alt-rightism stealing the name Libertarianism) you don't necessarily have to like someone, and you can even exclude that someone from your life, but you'd still support their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, just in a non-aggressive "I don't like you, but I still support you" kind of way.
So yeah, those are my political views. I'm not entirely sure how to classify them, since it's mostly a hodge-podge of Democrat ideology mixed with Libertarianism, which seem mutually exclusive from a distance, but I guess they could work together. So I guess the most accurate term you could make up to describe my views is "Democratic Libertarian."
If you disagree with my views, that's fine, but I at least have to ask that you don't be a dick about it in the comments.
If you can come up with a better meaningful term to describe to views, I'd be happy to hear it.
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not a bad take at all, honestly. its admirable to find people willing to put this much thought into their own values, let alone put them into words. it's a reassuring thing to witness nowadays
PS; regrading self-government, how would you comment on the current abortion conversation if to put into the perspective of state's rights and all? I'm curious to hear your response
Thanks. Tbh I was worried there would be a lot of unhealthy discussion and fighting in the comments, as politics tend to cause, but everything has been pretty chill.
As for abortion, I think that's something states and government should NOT get involved in. It should be a more private affair. Every woman is entitled to her bodily right to abort imo, especially in the rather common cases where she may knowingly be unfit for motherhood, or where the pregnancy is initiated out of sexual assault, or any other such/similar situations.
Private clinics with minimal to no attachment to the government are the way to go. It should be on the self-governing masses to decide if they wanna have a clinic in the immediate area, and for those seeking abortion that don't have a clinic nearby, they should not be penalized for traveling to get it.
by TronNerd82; ; Report