I don’t know if many outside of Italy know this, but the educational system (and not only that) here are going down FAST.
I just read the news and they are introducing for the texts to make the children read at 6 years old the FUCKING BIBLE.
Let me translate a few things from Skytg24 on Instagram:
“Guide to new elementary and middle-school: what changes in every subject”
“The minister of education Giuseppe Valditara has published the new national directions for elementary and middle schools, not yet definitive, which will come into force in 2026.
On the basis of this document millions of students from 5 to 13 years old will be trained.
We compared it with now in act national directions in force from 2012: here are the differences.
HISTORY: “only the west knows history” (YEAH, SURE BUDDY)
The new national directions start like this to explain why history, in elementary and middle schools, will become mostly history of the west.
They say “Other civilisations have known something that resembles history”(?????????), very far premises from the know in force text that talks about “world history, European, Italian and local”.
ITALIAN (LANGUAGE): differently from the actual directions the new text indicates many authors to propose in class, implicitly leaving less discretion to the teachers.
Here are some: Saba, Valeri, Gozzano, Pascoli, Lamarque, but also Percy Jackson AND HARRY POTTER. (WHY ON EARTH)
What raises more controversy is the mention of the Bible among the “great narratives” to be proposed already in the first grade…”
I’m gonna leave it at that.
Please spread the word and talk about this because it’s just ridicolous. We all know about books being banned in the USA, but I don’t know how much people are hearing about this stuff, please share this.
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