survey i found on pimp my profile..

About You, Yourself, And You
name: roz....
age: 14
location: uk
sex: yes please ngh
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
height: 5,0......
clothing style: idk? uh.... idk how to decribe
single or taken: single...
are you a perv: fuck yea
do you swear: yh
parents divorced: their getting divorced so... not yet
any piercings--if any, DO TELL!: ear piercings..
any tattoos--if any, DO TELL!: nah
straight or gay/lesbo: straight!
left or right handed: right lol
food: mcnuggets
music genre: insutrial
color: blue
restaurant: mcdonalds..
song: "weisses fleisch" - rammstein
music artist(s): KMFDM
sport: dont have one...
clothing store: hmm idk
perfume/cologne: idkkk
channel: IDKKKK
show: my little pony..
Do You Play...
acoustic guitar: nah
electrical guitar: nah
saxophone: nah
clarinet: nah
violin: nah
viola: nah
bass guitar: nah
drums: nah
trumpet: nah
trombone: nah
tuba: nah
baritone: nah
flute: nah
oboe: nah
bass drum: nah
Have You Ever...
drank: yh
smoked: yeah
gotten high: i drank lean once, idk if that counts
gotten drunk: yh
moshed: nah
danced in the rain: no
sang in the rain: lmao no
made out with someone: yh
kiss someone for that matter (this does not include family): yea
wondered what tomorrow is gonna be like: idk ig?
watched a porno: yh
masterbated: yh
done something that broke your heart, but made someone else happy: no?
set your best friend up with you SECRET crush: nah
gone out with your best friend's ex-girl/boyfriend: nah
flicked off your rentals (parents): no
called someone you're related to, "hott": NO?
grinded (the dancing way): nah
kissed your best friend that is the same sex: yh
In A Guy Or Girl You Like Best
eye color: idm but prolly blue?
hair color: idm
hair length: long ish? like, long for a bloke
eye brows: er whatt?
weight: chubby or skinny...
pervy or no: YES.
height: taller than me, i mean, thats not hard to beat..
clothing style: any, but i prefer emo
music taste: again, any, but i prefer emo or any "alternative"
___ Or ___
fake or true: true
skaters or "ghetto" people: skaters
stalkers you don't know or annoying people you do know: stakers i dont know
school dances or school football games: school dances
vegetarian or meat all that wayyy: meat
pepsi or coca-cola: coke
micky d'z or burger king: micky dz😭
dancing in the rain or kissing in the rain: yikes.... um, kissing
hott and a HUGE biatch or ugly and the NICEST person ever: ugly but nice.. if its a dude..
lovers or just friends: lovers
single or group dates: single
being single or being taken: taken
making out or just a peck: making out
tuna or ham: ew... ham..
fish or chips: chips..
ice cream or cake: cake 100%
diet coke or mountain dew: mnt dew I LOVE MNT DEW
red bull or monster: monster...
peanut butter or jelly: jelly..
chicken or beef: chicken
iced tea or regular tea: regularr
cream soda or sprite: sprite
ryan sheckler or carmen electra: idk these niggaz
zac efron or pamela anderson: pamela..
MUSIC ___ Or ___
rock or pop: rock
metal or classical: metal
rap or country: rap
opera or R&B: rnb
Rascall Flatts or Slipknot: slipknot
Motion City Soundtrack or H.I.M.: idk either of them
Death Cab For Cutie or M.I.A.: again, idk either
AC/DC or The Rolling Stones: acdc
Buckwheat Boys or Nelly: who?
Teddy Geiger or Shakira: shakira
The Donnas or The Veronicas: idkkk them
Madonna or Cher: neither
Armor For Sleep or Ray-J: idkk
Rage Against The Machines or Unwritten Law: rage 1000%
The Bloodhound Gang or The Beatles: bloodhound gang
System Of A Down or Sugarcult: soad
Weezer or Green Day: weezer...
Panic! At The Disco or The Used: PANIC.
Ashlee Simpson or Jessica Simpson: idk
Pink or Aqua: neither
In-School Related
been to the principal's office: yh
got in trouble for something you didn't do: yh
do the words "oral in the bathroom/closet" ring a bell: WHAT
sang in the halls: no
tripped in the halls: lmao no
been to the bathroom: yh
peed your pants: HELP NO?
threw up: noo
flicked off your teacher: nah
talked back to the principal: yh
ever been expelled: no
ever been suspended: nah
hugged a dude/lady you hated: nah
got in a fight: no
kicked outta class: yh
cell phone rang/beeped/vibrated: yh
Do You Own A...
TV: yea
computer (obviously): yh
cell phone: yh
home phone: yea
CD(s): yh
bed: yh
shoes: yes
clothes: yea
blow-up doll: no..
DVD(s): yh
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