「 Introductory Survey (New)」


=== Basic Info ===
Name: Neil

Age: 17

Birthplace: Betelgeuse V

Birthday: October 18

Current Location: SoCal

School: [REDACTED]

What grade are you in?: 12

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Short or Long Hair: It's pretty long for a guy.

Right or Left Handed: Right

Shoe Size: 7.5 men's... I think?

Number of Tattoos: 0

Number of piercings: 0

What would you like to get pierced?: Nipples. If it were possible for me to(which it isn't </3), I'd love to have gauges. Alas, I do not have earlobes and can't keep an earring. :(

Skin Type: too dry...

Style: Some sort of mix between a 80s movie character and a wannabe emo kid. Somewhat, boring with minimal flair, but it's not like I don't put effort into my outfits.

=== About Me ===

How many pairs of shoes do you own?: A normal amount

Favorite Sport: No thank you

Do you get sea sick?: I don't think so.

Do you believe in yourself?: Somewhat

Do you think your attractive?: Eh... solid 5/10

Do you like thunderstorms?: Yes!

Do you sing?: Sometimes.

Do you play an instrument?: Yes, keyboard.

Are you a health freak?: Define "health freak"

Are you scared of the dark?: Yes

Do you get along with your parents?: Not really

Siblings?: Not really

Pets?: Don't have any.

Number of CDs I own: 5

Favorite Fruit or Vegetable: Strawberries!

=== This or That ===

Pepsi or Coke: No, thank you!

McDonalds or Burger King?: No, thank you!

Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate!!

Single?: Nope :3

== Things I've Done ==

Do you smoke?: No

Have you ever stolen from a friend?: No

Do you do drugs?: Tried them once.

Do you drink?: No.

Do you shower daily?: Yes!

=== The Fuuuture ===

Do you want to get married?: Maybe?

Do you want to have kids?: I'd like to be an uncle, but kids of my own seems like too much effort.

Future Job: Programmer

=== My Friends ===

Best Friend: SXXXX

Coolest Friend: AXXX

Prettiest Friend: EXXX

Weirdest Friend: OXXX

=== Confession Chapel ===

Have you ever stolen from a store?: Yes

Have you ever been kicked out of a store?: No

Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?: No! >:(

Have you ever turned down a dare?: Yes

Have you ever kissed a boy on the lips?: Yees :3

Own a stuffed animal?: Yes

Number of past things your regret: A lot

Click this text for the link to the survey!

2 Kudos


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