Yoinked this off my pal sam thanks XD
1. Spell your first name backwards? Kryd - sounds like cheese name
2. Story behind your myspace display name? Just me name lol
3. What month were you born in? June :D
4. Where do you live? New Yoink
6. Toothbrush? Pink
7. Jewelry worn daily? I wear a rosary semi daily, and a watch.
8. Pillow cover right now? Dinosaurs :D
9. Underwear? My little pony (i made them myself)
10. Best Friend? My wife peach!
12. Favorite t- shirt? probably my lone ranger shirt wearing it rn!
13. Cologne/Perfume? lavender essential oil, must always have on
14. CD in stereo? Rn i got NIN in my boom box
15. Piercings? Nope, I keep forgetting to get my ears pierced :p walk into the shop and walk out with a tattoo instead XD
16. Wearing now? Lone ranger shirt, jeans, steel toed boots, belt, belt^2 with satchel and kukuri, bandana and my cowboy hat
17. Wishing for? my wife :)
18. Wanting? my wifey
20. Something you are deathly afraid of? MRI's ugh so loud, they sedate me usually
21. Do you like candles? meh
22. Do you like the taste of blood? nah
23. Do you believe in love? YES! my wife
25. Do you believe in God? In Gods*
26. What’s something you wish you could understand better? Math :p
31. Where is your favorite place to shop? Tack shops
32. What is your favorite thing to wear? Pjs lol
33. What is a must have accessory? My hat :D
34. How much is the most you’ve ever spent on a single clothing item? $2000 on my riding boots lol
35. Who is the least fashionable person/people you know? My dad... he wears WWII polish uniforms daily with a french beret XP
36. Do you match your belt with your hair color? Both do! my hair is reddish brown, and my belts are brown and red!
37. How many pairs of shoes do you own? ...... 13
38. What is the worst trend you see today? everyone calling me Unc
39. Do you do drugs? Yes
40. What kind of soap do you use? This local soap by a bee keeper
41. What are you listening to right now? Nothin, raw dogging the soundscape
42. Who was the last person that called you? My wife
43. Where do you want to get married? probably a state or national forest in america or Serbia im not picky
44. How many buddies are online right now? uhhh uhhh uh
45. What are essentials in your life? My wife and a good nap
46. Do you send out holiday cards each year? yea
47. Hair right now? Reddish brown, I dye it with dark red hair dye to give it a lil red tint
49. When was the last time you got a sunburn? In Zion last summer :p
51. Things that drive you crazy? My brother not putting down the toilet seat.
52. Do you think you are a good driver? Yes if you consider how i know how to power slide and drift, no if you're a passenger and know I have 4 tickets on my record of me going over 100 mph.
53. Who did you last text message? My wifey Peach!
54. Where are you right now? On campus havin breakky and reviewing my lab for this week
:D thats all folks!
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dont ask me how i know this but i think dyrk loves his wife. just a hunch lol (playful) (lighthearted) (affectionate) (not clickbait) (real)
by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report