I’ve seen this survey floating around here for a while, SO I WANTED TO FINALLY DO IT. Yay.
1. Spell your first name backwards? Mas. Or, if you account
for the lower-case stylization on my profile, “mas.” I wrote this blog with correct
capitalization to subvert your expectations.
2. Story behind your myspace display name? My display name is just my name. Or, more accurately
an alias, actually. Yes! I deceived you. It’s less of an anonymity thing and more
that I generally prefer it to my given name, though if you happen to know my actual
name, either is fine. My profile URL, “sheetkickers,” is ripped off directly
from the song Sheet Kickers by Guided by Voices because Under the Bushes
Under the Stars is so awesome.
3. What month were you born in? November. My zodiac thingies are Scorpio sun, Scorpio moon, Aries rising. I don't believe in astrology, but if you do, let me know what the fuck that combination is supposed to mean.
4. Where do you live? Florida.
6. Toothbrush? Blue and gray.
7. Jewelry worn daily? None. I have some necklaces I rather like, but I
wear them infrequently. Any other kind of jewelry (rings, bracelets) irritates
8. Pillow cover right now? Floral. Cotton.
9. Underwear? That I am wearing now? Walmart women’s briefs. Not disclosing the color, ew. Just as often,
I wear Walmart boxers. Why? Feels awesome, brother.
10. Best Friend? She knows who she is.
12. Favorite t- shirt? My Bartfield (Bart Simpson animphoring into Garfield)
13. Cologne/Perfume? I used to wear Old Spice body spray. My grandma
told me to stop LOL. So, none now.
14. CD in stereo? I’ve got Gorillaz self-titled in there right
now. Dudes, I forgot how many bangers are on that album. Unfortunately, Gorillaz
also brings me back to my middle school days, which is an objectively
unpleasant mental experience.
15. Piercings? No, and I do not plan to. Sorry.
16. Wearing now? Running shorts I’ve had since the 7th grade (teal)
and a sleeveless T-shirt with a dragonfly printed on the front (periwinkle).
Dogs are out.
17. Wishing for? Oh, so many things.
18. Wanting? Refer to above.
20. Something you are deathly afraid of? Myself. Oh, yeah, normal
phobias: I hate heights, and I’m rather claustrophobic.
21. Do you like candles? Yes.
22. Do you like the taste of blood? YES. I do.
23. Do you believe in love? During my intermittent periods of delusion,
sure. Okay, seriously: it’s hard for me to indulge in that kind of thought.
Abstractly, my innards have a lot of “love” stored in them that I desire to externalize
(wow that was a really gross way of saying that, man). Thing is, I don’t know
if the variety of romantic love I assume this is asking about is all that
abundant, or even real, at least for me. I hope it is, but I approach life with
low expectations.
25. Do you believe in God? No.
26. What’s something you wish you could understand better? Social cues.
How to converse good instead of fumbling every interaction all the time. The
world at large. Society. Lmfao.
31. Where is your favorite place to shop? The thrift store.
32. What is your favorite thing to wear? I’m going to be real with you.
Nothing. I don’t like how anything looks on me.
33. What is a must have accessory? My scarf with cave painting print. I
also have one of those patchwork hippie bags or whatever.
34. How much is the most you’ve ever spent on a single clothing item? I can’t
recall exactly. Definitely under $100. I bought shoes for around $70 once,
which felt like a fortune to drop for a clothing item, so I probably won’t be
buying brand new shoes again unless I have to for work or something. Is that insane. Yeah.
35. Who is the least fashionable person/people you know? Myself, in all likelihood. As I’ve aged, my aspirations have leaned less towards being aesthetic and more towards becoming ascetic, y’know? But I am failing at that spectacularly. America.
36. Do you match your belt with your hair color? People do this????
37. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Four… I think…
I’ve been the same size since middle school. But I wear more pairs than I
actually own because my grandma, sister and I are all the same size, so we borrow
each others’ shoes.
38. What is the worst trend you see today? I don’t know the trends.
39. Do you do drugs? For some time, I had the habit of misusing Benadryl via mixing it with alcohol. But, no, I’m a
boring normie, so I just do Zoloft and OTC sleep aids and caffeine, and I don't even really drink.
40. What kind of soap do you use? Baby soap. I have sensitive skin.
41. What are you listening to right now? Well, I’ve been writing this on
and off. When I started, it was Out of Vogue – The Early Material by The
Middle Class. Now I’m listening to Crywank. Do you guys fuck with Crywank? When
I was a teenager, I kind of wanted a tattoo of the Tomorrow Is Nearly
Yesterday And Everyday Is Stupid dog because I didn’t fully realize how shameful
and embarrassing that would be.
42. Who was the last person that called you? My sister repeatedly called
my phone a while ago to annoy me. We’re both at home.
43. Where do you want to get married? My mind ignored the “where,” and so
I originally just wrote, “Oh God, please.” I don’t know where I want to get
married. I think we’re skipping a few critical steps here, i.e., having someone
to marry first.
44. How many buddies are online right now? SpaceHey
lacks such a feature.
45. What are essentials in your life? Besides the obvious… I dunno. How
do we qualify something as essential? How do we distinguish between what is genuinely
essential and what we’ve just been taught to believe is essential due to enculturation?
(BRO SHUT THE FUCK UP.) But I guess nature is always essential, because if I
could somehow continue to physically persist without it, I wouldn’t see any
point in continuing on, mentally.
46. Do you send out holiday cards each year? No?
47. Hair right now? Blonde. I’ve always wanted to dye it an unnatural
color just to see how that would look on me, but regrettably it must stay normal
forevermore due to employability reasons. I have contemplated dying it black or
dark brown for many years, too, but I also don’t want people to be like, “Why
did you do that? You were blonde!”
49. When was the last time you got a sunburn? I get one every time I
spend half an hour or more outside. I don’t keep track.
51. Things that drive you crazy? Money, driving, car insurance prices, rental
market, job market, traffic, traffic sounds, indoor lighting, the music they play at the gym, people who chew real loud, uh,
myself, so many things, I feel like the world is irrevocably insane sometimes.
52. Do you think you are a good driver? Yes, but
people tell me otherwise.
53. Who did you last text message? Bestie methinks.
54. Where are you right now? I mostly wrote this from my bed.
Displaying 5 of 5 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Spell your first name backwards?
Ramu. What month were you born in? November as well. My zodiac is also Scorpio sun, Scorpio moon, 4. Where do you live? Australia (moving to la).
6. Toothbrush? Blue. 7. Jewelry worn daily? No. 8. Pillow cover right now? Plain Cotton. 9. Underwear? That I am wearing now? Target undies 10. Best Friend? A bffl 13. Cologne/Perfume? Lynx body’s spray, Dior men’s purfume and spray deodorant
Woop love quizzez! Feel you on your fear of heights (and being afraid of yourself)
haha yes quiz funny
by sam; ; Report
i did nawt know you were scared of heights or maybe i just forgotten yesss im also very scared of the up highs of life
The road of life is long and littered with Knowledge... But only Those who seek it will be graced with Enlightenment .
by sam; ; Report
looks fun im gonna yoink this survey off of ya :D
hell yeah
by sam; ; Report
benny // whalefall
you don't like how *anything* looks on you? (yes, i know it's a weird thing for me to focus on, but...)
yeah i Don't. i don't ever feel like i look good in anything. there are certain clothes i like because they're more comfortable, i guess, but in terms of fashion its really just kind of a crapshoot because if i actually put any thought into constructing an outfit i start feeling terrible about my appearance. tbh
by sam; ; Report
there are articles of clothing i own that i enjoy aesthetically by themselves but when i put it on im like ugh oh no why does it look like that on me lol
by sam; ; Report
bro.......that's so sad. everyone looks good in something because everyone 👏 looks 👏 good 👏 but i understand not feeling that way. i get it, i really do. i think styling outfits that i'm even somewhat proud of is the only thing that saves me, actually, from feeling awful all the time
by benny // whalefall; ; Report
i just took another pass at this and
22. Do you like the taste of blood? YES. I do.
23. Do you believe in love? During my intermittent periods of delusion, sure. Okay, seriously: it’s hard for me to indulge in that kind of thought. Abstractly, my innards have a lot of “love” stored in them that I desire to externalize (wow that was a really gross way of saying that, man). Thing is, I don’t know if the variety of romantic love I assume this is asking about is all that abundant, or even real, at least for me. I hope it is, but I approach life with low expectations.
oh my god
by benny // whalefall; ; Report
yeah blood is yummy
by sam; ; Report