1.My grandpa once: Got obama toilet paper and removed from property by cops on the same day
2.Never in my life have I: Broken a bone
3. When I was younger, I: Climbed trees and hung from them like a sloth until I fell flat on the pavement
4.High school was: Half pandemic half toxic relationships
5.When I'm nervous: I get gassy
6.The last time I really cried was: I cry a lot at instagram reels that are cute like dogs seeing their owners after a while so probably today
7.If I were to get married right now: I'd flee
8.My hair is: Red but the roots are showing the dark brown
9.My feet are: Don't be weird
10.When I was 5: Fuck if I remember. Reading Babymouse??
11.Last Christmas: Me and my Nana's cat hid from the Great British Bake-off being played for two days straight.
12.When I turn my head left: ??? I see the no vaping sign i took my last day of highschool (3.7 gpa activities 😎) and some cat trees. my room has a lot of decor so listing everything would take a while.
13.When I turn my head right: I see out the window, my water bottle, and some zaza
14.My life is not complete without: Wingstop
15.By this time next year: I hope to have my tits gone
16.I have a hard time understanding: I think I'm a bit more logic driven, so people making bad choices for their emotions gets me confused and irritated, but I try to understand how intense things can feel for people.
17.One time at a family gathering: My techbro uncle (which i realized i have two but i'm actually legally related to this one) tried holding my guniea pig and it crawled on his shoulder and pissed on him
18.Take my advice: It's better to hold your ground and live knowing you did your best than sacrifice yourself. Even if you fuck up or feel alone, you chose morality, truth, and health.
19.My ideal breakfast is: Anything I don't have to cook. Cantaloupe would be good.
20.If you visit my hometown: Stop going to all the tourist hot spots, they just cycle the money back into the attractions and leave the outskirts to die. Visit local markets and artists and venues. It's such a lively area, and could grow further if it was protected by more than just the ones living in it. Or at least not ruined by people who come here to party in the woods and leave their trash for animals to get fucked by. Do you know how many animals y'all leave to turn up on the beach full of plastic?!
21.My friends are: My biggest inspirations idk how they do it and I'm so lucky they love me
22.If you spend the night at my house: That's brave. I love my nighttime routine and personal space. I need you to pick what's on the TV or I will overthink if you hate my show. but I'll cook whatever you want.
23.I would stop my wedding if: I feel as if I should. I really don't know what would make me stop besides some absurd situation, and hopefully I'd notice I'm with an asshole before I marry them.
24.The world could do without: Widespread internet. Or maybe unlimited internet? The way that the internet brings people together TOO much, childern and adults can enjoy the same media in totally different ways (the mlp trauma of gen z) and people should be able to have the right to filter out really crazy content they see without having to get rid of the hottest thing in our culture right now (the amount of gore on ig). We could do with more personalized internet I guess?
25.I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: Honestly that's so hard, because cockroaches are often in fecal matter and blood, both of which would've been my option. I guess anything that'd kill/disease me faster than the things previously listed. Radium.
26.The most recent thing I've bought myself is: Fleece lined tights, very good for the cold.
27.And, by the way: I'm really bad at making chocolate cake from scratch but I've made almost every other type of standard dessert just fine.
28.The last time I was high: Honestly weed doesn't get me too high since it's medical, I just feel normal, less weighed down, and less chatty in my brain. Last time I was enjoyably intoxicated was... two weeks ago? I drank some wine and played video games and did some skin care before falling asleep.
29.In the past I shouldn't have been: It's so hard to say because I feel like I did a lot of things I wouldn't repeat but I don't regret, I guess I wish I didn't feel so afraid?
30.Once, at a bar/club: A guy asked me for my insta and realized I was nonbinary and walked away and I thought it was really funny
31.Last night, I: Cleaned a lot before sleeping
32.If I didn't have any obligations tomorrow: I actually don't think I do, so I will be gluttonous and lazy till the next day
33.A better name for me would be: John F. Kennedy
34.In the last 6 months: I think I got more self-assured
35.If I ever go back to school: I'm going back on the 3rd so my goal is to make good friends i can plan stuff outside of school with
36.I bet you didn't know: I pissed in my pantry for friendship approval in 7th grade
37.I am: Very willing
38.I read: A lot of articles
39.Every birthday: I get a cake to eat all on my own on the floor and it makes me happy
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