HI since people in America believe abortion is wrong, here is a speech I wrote one year ago
Imagine you are walking, 14 years old and returning from a friends house, when you get pulled into blushes and raped. Not only are you dealing with endless trauma, insomnia, and depression but you go to your GP and they tell you that you are pregnant. Pregnant with a child that you didn't consent to. Pregnant with a child that is a constant reminder of a traumatic event and force to keep it. How would you feel? This is why we need abortion. A medical procedure that ends unwanted pregnancies and is vital to women, girls, and people around the world.
It is disappointing that for 72 year women have fought for voting rights, excluding other rights and we are still prisoners in a men's ideal society. Take the US for example. The US constitution has an impact on millions of people and overtime its promise to freedom has included more and more people. The US promise freedom yet they still put restraints on a woman's body. It is unjust that we have been fighting for so long and only 8/50 states have rights to abortion (now 0 because this was written last year). Denying abortion is a form of Gender Discrimination Against women, girls and anyone who can get pregnant. This has been recognised by multiple UN treaty bodies monitoring the implementation of human rights by states, including the committee of convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. you are not free when you cant make your own decisions to do with your body. You are not free when you cant make decisions on what do to do with your future.
Put yourself in this woman's shoes. she was in the 5th month of pregnancy when her water broke. Her foetus was dying which posed a threat to the dying woman. Throughout the day she was feeling worse and worse. The doctors did not perform an abortion, waiting for the foetus to die on its own. they were afraid of being accused for performing and illegal abortion. unfortunately they waited too long for the child's heart to stop beating and in result of their actions, the woman died. the mother of an already born child. a wife. a daughter. this was a famous case in Poland where doctors can only provide abortions if a woman's life is at risk or the pregnancy results from a crime. However, the doctor will often not perform abortions even when they are permissible under the law. Abortion id still prohibited in as a whole in nearly 20 countries, including many African nations, among them: Egypt, Senegal, Gabon, and Madagascar. in Malta, women who have abortions face a penalty from 18 months to 3 years in prison. because of this, women turn to illegal, underground, unsafe abortions. These abortions happen in countries where it is criminalised, stigmatised or restricted. over 25 million unsafe abortions take place a year and due to the lack of knowledge on how to perform an abortion, 39,000 women die from the consequences. why? what consequences? The consequences of not having control over your own body. You are not free when you cant decide your own decisions.
Pregnancy carries risks, including death. without abortion access, more women will die. Maternal mortality is unacceptably high. About 237,00 women died during pregnancy or childbirth in 2020. A woman dies every 2 minutes due to pregnancy or child birth. Someone's wife. Sister. Mother. Daughter. Best friend. Would you really let your wife die from childbirth because she receive an abortion? would you really want your daughter giving birth to a rapists child because she couldn't access an abortion? Would you really want to let your sister suffer with bad mental health due to the fact she doesn't feel ready to be a mother but she couldn't get an abortion? Birth Rights UK states that an unborn foetus doesn't become a separate person with rights until it is born and shows signs of life. so a foetus isn't classed a person because it doesn't have consciousnesses. So in some countries, why is it fair to accuse a woman of murder simply because she had an abortion?
To summarise why abortions should be legal worldwide; It is a basic human right that helps a lot of women and girls, it helps a mother unable to cope or care for a child and it helps if the pregancny is the result of rape or child abuse. Together we can make a difference and make abortion legal globally. We can train doctors to perform safe abortions, open accessibke abortion clinics and raise awareness to educate people its importance.
if you wish to have a debate or express your opinion feel free to message me.
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Wyróżniamy sześć przyczyn dopuszczenia do aborcji:
-Zagrożenie dla życia
-Zagrożenie dla zdrowia
-Zgwałcenie lub inny czyn zabroniony
-Upośledzenie płodu
-Trudności socjoekonomiczne
-Na żądanie
Patrząc na historie [Polski], do 1932 dopuszczano tylko ze względu na zagrożenie życia.
Prawo niemieckie - prawo okupanta, nazistowskie, było jedynym, które dopuszczało aborcję, na każdy warunek, czasy spustoszenia moralnego.
Obecnie mamy prawo z lat 50' - zagrożenie życia, zagrożenie zdrowia, oraz zgwałcenie lub inny czyn zabroniony.
W wyniku nowelizacji z 2021, zostało odebrane prawo w wyniku upośledzenie płodu, co uważam, było złą decyzją, z punktu państwa, gdyż państwo potrzebuje zdrowych obywateli.
Jednym zastrzeżeniem, które widzę, to zakaz w wyniku upośledzenia płodu.
-Trudności socjoekonomiczne, nie powinny stanowić przyczynę aborcji. Za każde dziecko do 18 roku rodzina otrzymuje 800zł na miesiąc. Ma za co się utrzymać.
-Aborcja na żądanie, praktycznie była legalna tylko za czasów nazistowskich. Żadnym w okresie historii Polski od 1918, nie była nigdy legalna. Na dodatek, to, że ktoś nie umie się zabezpieczać, to druga sprawa. Państwo polskie potrzybuje obywateli, obecnie umiera więcej, niż się rodzi. Jako naród, wyludniamy się.
Dlaczego tak wiele osób twierdzi na temat dramatyczności?
Media lewicowe zrobiły narracje, jakoby rząd w 2021r. usunął całkowite prawo do aborcji. Nie, jest to kłamstwo. Gdy kobieta została zgwałcona, albo jest zagrożone jest zdrowie, życie, ma prawo do tego. A prawo na aborcje na żądanie, nigdy nie było legalne w polskim państwie.