name: gabryel
nickname: gabcho
age: 17
pronouns: he/him
birthday: september 10
siblings: older sister
straight/bi/gay: gay
job: none
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
height: 6'2"
ethnicity: white
look like a celeb: I don't think I have one
dye your hair: I want blond
have bangs: if my middle part curtain shit ass bangs count
have braces: maybe soon
wear glasses: only sunglasses
wear contacts: no
piercings: none
tattoos: none
color: blue
video game: roblox
tv show: sex and the city
animal: all
drink: water
food: sushi, caesar salad
alcoholic drink: vodka and cocktails especially cosmo
car: not yet
day of the week: Thursday
season: spring maybe
song: just check my Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/user/dig63hx5pfs1xgt51xy680lab?si=df1e88f6a3c54b7c)
song: just check my Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/user/dig63hx5pfs1xgt51xy680lab?si=df1e88f6a3c54b7c)
sport: nah
teacher: maths, crazy ik
subject: accounting
holiday: birthday
book: icebreaker by Hannah grace or legend born by tracy deonn
magazine: vogue, glamour, cosmopolitan, elle, eva, diva(all fashion magazine)
flower: tulip or hyacinth
memory: impossible to choose one
person you hugged: Katya my school buddy
thing you said: "in a second"
thing you ate: popcorn
texted: my bff
you called: my bff
called you: mom
person you saw: dad
you had a long conversation with: my bff I think
summer or winter: winter
cats or dogs: cats
pepsi or coke: pepsi
cell phone or iPod: cell phone
ocean or pool: pool
black or white: white
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
flowers or candy: flowers
rock or rap: rap
tv or movie: both
aim or myspace: myspace
stars or hearts: stars
bracelets or necklaces: necklaces
gold or silver: silver
kisses or hugs: hugs
pen or pencil: pen
smoked: no
got drunk: no
failed a test: no
stayed home from school: yes
been to the mall: no
bought a book: no
been to a show/concert: no
yelled at someone: maybe a lil
got into a fight/argument: yeah
cried to a friend: no
told the truth: yes
lied: yes
tv: yes
your own phone: yes
your own phone line: I don't know what that means
vcr: I don't know what is it but I don't think so
dvd player: no
radio: no
computer: laptop
posters: yes and a painting
of what?: eternal sunshine by Ariana Grande and a painting of flowers
pictures: no
of who?: no one
taken or single: happily single
got a crush: maybe a little but nothing wow
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