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Category: News and Politics

don't hide away.

I see so many people posting about ways to make yourself more invisible over the next few years and about keeping your "opinions" to yourself for safety. Now I 100% agree everyone needs to do whatever is necessary to keep themselves safe, and at times that does mean hiding who you are, or your political opinions. (even though i think all opinions are political) that is not the solution. 

Overall that's the opposite of what we should be doing. Now is not the time to minimize yourself. Now is the time to be bigger, louder, and take up space. Be flamboyant, wear that crazy outfit, kiss your partner in public. Call out bigots for their shitty behavior, protect your community's and the ones that are being attacked. Make your opinions known, tell your stories, tell kids about trans people, and black history.

Hiding yourself and not talking about "politics" is playing right into their hands. That's exactly what the alt-right want. They want us to be scared and hide ourselves. They want us to stop talking about the issues that they cause and contribute to. They want us to cease to exist. But we do exist, we existed long before them, and we will continue to exist long after them, we're just no longer going to exist in the shadows they pushed us into. It may be scary, and we may face backlash, but it's time for us to enjoy the goddamn fucking sunshine.

take care of yourself, with love, ally.

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