~The Basics~
Whats your sweeties name?: Nick
How old is he?: 17
How long have you two been together?: 6 months!
When is your anniversary?: July 2nd
Is he your first boyfriend?: No ;-;
Do you think you have a good relationship?: Yes!
Where was your first date?: 4th of July Festival at Lake Sacajawea
Where did your first kiss take place?: My Closet
What was his most romantic gesture?: Kissing my forehead for the first time :3
Does he have any special nicknames for you?: "My love"
Do you have any for him?: sumtimes i call him pooky like garfield
~His Favorites~
What is his favorite movie?: I don't know, but I know he likes Guardians of the Galaxy
What is his favorite TV show?: He doesn't really watch TV, he's more of a YouTube guy
His favorite song?: Probably any song by Andrew Baena or Casey Edwards
His favorite thing about your personality?: He says he loves my Autism ^^
Which of your features is his favorite?: I think he likes my eyes!! But he'd probably say all of me if I asked
Whats his favorite color?: Pink/Purple!
Is the relationship getting serious?: Very :3
Has he proposed?: Yes !
Has he told you he loves you?: Many times
Do you have a song?: Arms Tonite by Mother Mother reminds me of him because he sang it to me once ^^
What was your last fight about?: LEGO Fortnite Wheel Physics X_X
Have you ever cried over him?: Yes ;-;
Is he there when you need him most?: Yes
Can you trust him?: Yes !
Have you ever kissed in the rain?: Not yet :3
Has he ever written anything for you?: Probably not
Do you have any of his clothes?: Yes, I sleep with his hoodies
Have you guys ever taken a nap together?: Yes :3
Have you ever spent the night together?: No :(
Have you ever been intimate?: yes ;-;
How does he make you feel when the two of you are together?: Very Secure
Does he know your biggest secret?: Yes
Has he ever cheated?: Probably not
What color are his eyes?: Blue
Does he know your favorite flower?: Nope
What is your favorite part of his appearance?: I love his hair, his eyes, and how he looks at me !
What is your favorite part of his personality?: I love how kind he is, but often times he is too kind
Is there something he does that you don't approve of?: I think he makes fun of himself too much :(
Is there something you do that he doesn't approve of?: He doesn't like when I'm sad, but he says it's okay to cry
If there is one, what is the biggest problem in your relationship?: N/A
Do you see yourself with him in the next five years?: Yes
Can you see yourself marrying him?: Very much so
Have you discussed children?: Yes
If so have you picked out names?: Erisia for a girl, Touforged Archon Shard for a boy :3
Have you discussed marriage?: Yes many times
Do you have plans of living together?: Definitely!! I hate my house :P
Do you think you two have a chance of making it?: Yes !
What does he want to do with his life?: He said he wants to spend it with me
Where do you plan on living?: In the same place that we live now :3
Have you decided if you want pets?: Probably kitties, maybe a tiny dog. Definitely a fishtank
Do the two of you have a dream house in mind?: A dreamhouse to us is a house in which we can share
If you do plan on getting married, where would you like it to take place?: Anywhere
Do you have your wedding planned?: No, but I think a medieval wedding would be awesome.
Last Question
Are the two of you happy together?: Yes, and I hope it stays that way for as long as we are alive :3

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Grab my 40 ounce and then I reminisce
About a brother who had to be the one and only
So I dedicate this to my dead homiez