The Home Insurance Companies & Capitalism: Climate Change, True Crime, Wildfires, ETC (My YouTube Video)

Since the California Los Angeles wildfires are happening I wanted to reshare this YouTube video deep-dive files video I made on the Home Insurance Company files I made 2 months ago 🏠 💰 🤑 🌪️ 🔥 

...PURE EVIL The Home Insurance Companies Files (DEEP-DIVE) Capitalism, Climate Change, & True Crime, ETC... Today I talk to you about, The UNSOLVED True Crime Case Daily Stories, Of The Home / Property Private Insurers Industry, I talk about, Private Insurers Leave Homeowners In The dust when Working Class people across the country, especially in states such as Florida and California which are on the front lines of the Capitalism caused climate change crisis disaster are facing an insurance crisis, By 2050 it’s expected that the amount of land consumed by wildfires in the Western United States will increase by 2 to 6 times & Along the South and Eastern coasts Hurricanes have intensified which last much longer which causes unprecedented flooding Under capitalism the only option for working people is for-profit property insurance which is facing huge losses cutting into their profits The main purpose of an insurance company is to make a profit for its shareholders When a single home is destroyed they are happy to pay out and reinforce the illusion that they exist to help people But when a town is destroyed they fight tooth and nail to deny claims cancel policies and limit their losses and renege on their obligations, In California, three insurers, State Farm, Allstate, and Farmers cover about 40% of the state’s home insurance market. Together, they represent a combined $255 billion in net total assets as of 2023. After decades of profits, all three have started to lose money in recent years due to wildfires. In response, they have revealed their true nature. Rather than spend some of that $255 billion to fulfill their obligation to working people, they have all stopped or severely limited new home insurance in the state, Florida’s private insurers turned a $147.3 million profit in 2023 on the backs of working families paying outrageously high insurance premiums, Fair Plan has been characterized as a “ticking time bomb” Capitalist politicians are scrambling to keep for-profit insurers in their states, an impossible task as climate disaster has decimated their ability to make profits, 

The major private insurance companies are in the process of leaving the property insurance industry altogether because it is no longer profitable After decades of collecting money from working families they are happy to leave us to face the brunt of the climate disaster while they enjoy massive bonuses For working people losing home insurance coverage often means breaking a mortgage agreement which can easily cost families their homes, 

Business Of Disaster By PBS FrontLine: Insurance Firms Profited OVER $400 Million After Hurricane Sandy private insurance companies working for the government have made hundreds of millions of dollars at the same time that thousands of homeowners are claiming they have been underpaid, Jeff Coolidge reviewed adjusters' files for multiple insurance companies after Superstorm Sandy and The insurance firms he worked for used phrases like "pre-existing," "earth movement" or "ground settlement" to reject homeowners' claims of flood damage According to FEMA's own internal documents FEMA sided with insurance companies almost 75% of the time FEMA is finding that more than 80% of the homeowners were underpaid by their insurance companies, Melinda Ballard took on the insurance companies In 2001 she won a $32 million judgment against Farmers Insurance because of them letting her home get infested with Black Mold and the insurance industry has since used the award as high-powered ammunition in its endless battle against "frivolous lawsuits." While Farmers was still investigating the water leak claim Her husband Ron experts who determined the house was contaminated with various fungi including the toxic black mold Stachybotrys, Insurers Are Spying on Your Home From the Sky It has been reported that this is usually done without building owners’ knowledge or prior consent, Various aerial imaging tools include drones, manned aircraft, and high-altitude balloons. Satellite imagery is also likely to become increasingly more popular, The widespread adoption of digital surveillance in the industry has raised concerns among consumer advocates, especially regarding customers’ ability to challenge potentially outdated or inaccurate images, ETC!!! 

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