some of these questions r invasive asf xD but WHATEVS yolo. this was fun to fill out !!!!!

name:: charaaaÂ
nickname:: hot bitch
how old are you:: 18
zodiac sign:: scorpio :P
current location:: PROUD NYER
eye color:: brown :ppp
hair color:: purple & black !!! the purple is more blue now bc it faded and i tried to put pink over it LMAOO
hair type:: idfk man i cut that shit w a razor and safety scissors
hieght:: 5'2 or 5'3 ion remember
your heritage:: italian :P
what's your middle name:: Heh. Yomommadestroyer.
shoe's you wore today:: platform boots !! theyre so cutesies they have lil charms on them ^^
your weakness:: ummmm. ummmmmm. climbing down ladders
your fear:: mind control O_o
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no but it looks fun lowkey
do you want to:: ya
goal you would like to achieve this year:: hmm. get better at consistent productivity ^^
first thought when you wake up:: "im tired" and then i fall back asleep XD
best physical feature:: my eyes :P
who is your bestest freind:: THIS POST GOES OUT TO U GAVEN
when is your bedtime:: 6am bruh HAHAH
your most cherished memory:: it's really hard to choose just one. there's been a lot of moments in my life that are dear and special to me ^^"Â i think most recently though was my 18th bday, i ended up spending it w gaven and we broke into a restricted area of like. this park. climbed up a hill n just chilled n talked. slow moments like that where i can be vulnerable & real w ppl are deeply important to me
pepsi or coke:: COKE FOR SURESIES
mc dondalds or burgerking:: fuck both LMAOOOOOO
singel or group dates:: mostly single but double dates are fun
what is the last song you sang:: relay - fiona apple
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: miss me w that wonderwall shit
what is your biggest pet peeve:: ppl going on and on abt smth / someone they hate lowkey :/ unless theres a good reason ... n i mean like, ppl who talk abt nothing else but who / what they hate. like it reaches a POINT bruh
do you drink:: nah
ever been drunk:: yah
do you smoke:: yah
do you "SMOKE":: what does this even mean
do you sing:: yah
what color underwear do you have on:: smd bruh
do you want to go to college:: im in college :p PSYCH MAJOR BAYBEEEEE
have you ever been in love:: yah
do you wnat to get married:: if i find someone i can see myself having a future with yah, but rn idrc
do you believe in yourself:: yah ofc
do you believe inothers:: yah ofc
do you like thunderstorms:: theyre cozy ^^Â
do you play an instrument:: used to !!Â
what do you want to be when you grow up:: psych research
what country would you like to visit:: mexico & italy ^^Â
how many CD's do you own:: i have a shiiit ton in my garage
how many DVD's do you own:: same as above
how many tattoo's do you have:: none
how many piercings do yo have:: i have basic bitch ear piercings but my dream is to get my eyebrow done, my septum, snake bites, & my nose bridgeÂ
how many things in the past do you regeret:: ive made a lot of mistakes but the most important thing is acknowledging that and doing better in the future ^^ i try not to worry much about the past
shoes:: my knee high converse
radio station:: 105.10 fm XD
drink:: mango lassi <33333
car:: lightning mcqueen >uO
place:: there's a forest near me n if you go deep enough you can find this clearing the sun sets over ^^ it's a wheat field !!
song:: skin & bones - picture me broken
movie:: rn it's prolly shark tale :P
color:: orange or purple
meal:: chicken tikka masalaÂ
favorite eye color:: idrc
favorite hair color:: idrc
short or long hair:: long :PÂ
height:: taller than me
body type:: fitÂ
does ethnicity matter:: nah
piercings:: any
tattoos:: any
do you think you are attractive:: hell fucking yes i am
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: not interested in anyone rn :P
would you like to be someones fantasy:: heell no broÂ
hunter or hunted:: Heh. Hunt deez nuts in yo mouth.
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed
a little or a lot of tongue:: lmfaoÂ
older or younger:: a little older
lights on/lights off or candle light:: not answering this shit
do you like to cuddle after:: same as above
do you like to cuddle in general:: yah ^^ physical touch is important to me
what is todays date:: 1/4/25. but we all know its 2015. XD
what time is it:: 11:34PM
who are you thinking of:: no one :P
what are you listening to:: echoes of an empire - picture me broken
do you love someone:: nah
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: OH GOD ITS BEHIND ME ITS KILLINGME HELP M
does someone love you:: my fam hopefully!!Â
is it raining:: nahhhh i WISH
how many myspace friends do you have:: 64 ^^
are you happy:: yeah !!!

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