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Category: News and Politics

my current situation

so i am from serbia and our situation here is really chaotic. 2 months ago 15 people died because a roof fell on them at a train station. the problem is that that roof was recently renovated after 40 years. there was never any problems until that renovation. its such an devestating outcome and the 2 people who survived needed to get certain parts of their bodies amputated. because of this tragedy students at universities started protesting and all of our universitites are "blocked" now which means there is no classes or exams. the only people currently staying at the universities are students and some of them are even sleeping there. we have meetings every few days at every university so that we can make decisions on the future of the protests. its really difficult because media presents as students as literal evil even tho we just want justice for 15 people who lost their lives do to someones incompetance and lack of common sense LITERALLY. its obvious what the current goverment has been doing to us for the last 12 years and we are sick of it. im studying even tho its not known when our classes will resume. i just feel really anxious and i hope that we will make things right. we have certain demands and even tho these protests have been happening for the past month the president is still laughing at as and not willing to realise what 15 lost lives mean. we have minutes of silences which last 15 minute everyday at the same time and we stand in front of universities with signs showing our support and condolences for the families of the victims. every time i stand there with my peers, in complete silence, i feel so much pain and agony and im so mad and devasted and cant even explain how tragic this whole thing is.

i believe that the justice will be served.

and for the end of this monologue i would like to say a phrase that we say and its about our goverment - KRVAVE SU VAM RUKE! (YOUR HANDS ARE BLOODY)

4 Kudos


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ленчи's profile picture

Drago mi je što vidim da neko na ovoj platformi priča o tome 🙏 RUKE SU VAM KRVAVE!!!

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hvala ti, toliko smo svi pogodjeni ovom situacijom da nisam mogla a da to ne podelim
nadam se da si ti okej koliko god da smo sad u mogucnosti <3

by saki; ; Report

ja sam okej, hvala ti ️trenutno živim vani, ali kao gimnazijalku to i mene jako pogađa i ponekad mi je baš žao što nisam tu :/ nadam se da je i kod tebe trenutno sve okej!

by ленчи; ; Report

drago mi je da si okej, nekada zaista pozelim da odem i nikada se ne vratim.. ali nadam se da cemo prebroditi bar ovo pa da bar nesto obnovimo ako je moguce

by saki; ; Report

sasvim te razumijem ponosna sam na sve vas zato što se borite za bolju budućnost, zaslužujete sve najbolje <3

by ленчи; ; Report

hvala ti puno, zeliim ti divan dan a i celu novu godinu <3

by saki; ; Report

hvalaaa, takođe

by ленчи; ; Report