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Category: News and Politics

Gender is a myth!!!!!

I can't go to any LGBT motherfucking group or anything without hearing gender talk. 

I don't believe in gender, gender is only in grammar. It's not scientific. Actual scientific stuff is sex. And there are female, male. That's it, don't bring that oh but sex is fluid and like 2% of people are intersex (which is a completely false static and also why you bringing up a rare mutation for this??), that's bullshit. When you are born you have a certain sex assigned to you in your genes and it's not cause a woman can grow beard that now sex is fluid. That is just the most normal thing ever, you are all just so close in your bubble but in different cultures and different ethnicities or whatever, it is completely normal for woman to be different and all, but they all still got a vagina!

I'm so sick of this wokism, I'm glad it is ending because people are starting to see this ain't really working ornthar it makes no sense.

I'm sorry I may seem indelicate, I didn't really ment to come of rude or anything but these "trans" kids and even grown adults have been infesting gay spaces online. Trans used to be about people with chronic dysphoria that transitioned after MANY YEARS of therapy and such because it takes time to decide if it is the right thing for the person. Not about micro labels that only separate the community that used to be about unity. Many if these people that recently have been transitioning and the detransition, had other issues that weren't dysphoria, cause guess what? That is an extremely rare illness. They had other things like depression, anxiety, EDs... But they came in saying they had this and therapists are told to accept all someone might say.

Gender is stupid. So many labels are stupid. You should come from your interests and your personality, what does you being an asexual demiromantic catgender non binary trans man matter for? "There's a study, gender isn't linked to sex" mmmh? And? Does that prove neogenders or anything like that? And I am very suspicious of that as well. Because trans people exist, and they are completely valid but it comes with a certain dysphoria... But I've been seeing people say that you can be trans no matter what. Bullshit!! There was this experiment many years ago, two twins. Two boys. One had some kind of problem and ended up with no penis or genitals or something like that... They were baby's and the other was raised as a guy but the other was raised as a girl, even though biologically he was a boy. Well, that poor guy ended up having dysphoria and many mental problems he could not explain. It was only when he was older he knew. I can't remember very well but I don't think it ended very well for him....

Anyway, I just got mad for seeing a thing, I'm immature. 

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🪳★piyavicaa★🪳's profile picture

Ok so as a person who is agender and has rejected all traditional gender stuff for myself, i can say that u are absolutely wrong lol. It almost makes me wanna scream so here i go
First off, there are 3 sexes. The fact that intersex ppl have mutated sex genes does not mean that they dont exist. This very mutation is what causes the creation of the third sex. Saying that they arent relevant and shouldnt b taken under consideration when talking ab sex is also stupid coz intersex people make up 1.7% of the population according to google and i think that just the percentage of people who arent given nonconsensual gender reassignment surgery the moment they are born (bcos queerphones dont like different people and the parents dont want to deal with having a “different” child). 1.7% of about 8 billion people is A LOT. more specifically like 136 000 000 people. Thats like denying the existence of the whole population of canada, brazil and russia (roughly calculated coz im not good at math). I didnt quite get what u said in the last two sentences, Idk if youre trying to denounce genderfluid people or smth i didnt quite get what u said
but SEX CAN VARY IN APPEARANCE TOO. some women have more body hair, some men are more feminine, some ppl look extremely androgynous and so on, we dont all look the same
Also what you said in the second paragraph reminded me of this one meme ab ppl who say that wokeness is bad but i cant find it so if i do im gonna put it here somehow
Youre worried about being seen as indelicate but you are indelicate. I think that you think youre being brutally honest or giving a hot take or someshit but the truth is youre just being an asshole. What youre saying here in the third paragraph is that trans people today arent “real” trans people and that “real” trans people only existed back in the day. Thats incredibly stupid. Trans people back in the day lived in a very heteronormative society, much more heteronormative than the one we live in today, and did not have the extensive dictionary, support and community, which helped the trans people of today describe what they feel and find people who feel similar things. What you see in trans communities today is GROWTH. AND YES its not necessary to experience dysphoria if youre trans.
Most trans people experience it because when they look in the mirror they dont see themselves. i experience gender dysphoria. I dont see my chest as something that is a part of me, rather as just two tumorous growths attached to me. And i am going to get top surgery when i become of age, BECAUSE I WANT TO LIVE INSIDE A BODY THAT I LIKE. IF PEOPLE WANT TO MAKE ALTERATIONS TO THEIR BODIES IN ORDER TO NOT FEEL LIKE SHIT THEN THATS NOT BAD. BECAUSE YOU CANT JUST TELL SOME1 TO “ACCEPT IT”. my body is my temple dont you dare tell me how i should decorate my altar.
But some trans people on the other hand dont feel dysphoria and thats not because theyre not trans but rather because theyre fine with the body theyre born with. You dont need to suffer or to pay thousands and thousands of dollars for fullbody gender reassignment surgeries just to get your transness approved lol. Also these other illnesses that you mention such as depression come from the fact that we simply live in a world that treats all queer people like shit and when they end up depressed, suicidal or with an ED everyone wonders what could have caused that.
You also mention microlabels and i think you solely misunderstand what they are about. There isnt a divide in the community because people are making more and more identities, its because of people like you. As a community we are supposed to abolish GENDER ROLES and HETERONORMATIVE DOGMA not gender. If someone wants to label themselves as something and can find a label then they can can do that, because why the fuck not? Gender is a perception of the self. And this person finds community within that label thats also fucking awesome. Some people seek labels because they feel better knowing that theyre a zebra and not just some undiscovered before type of horse (idk how clear this metaphor is).
Gender is not stupid. Yes, we as humans sometimes have this need to sort everything into perfect little boxes and label them n shit and thats not necessarily bad. Its bad when people like you show up thinking that theyre box is the only right one and telling people who dont fit into in to somehow cram themselves in. its not that gender does not exist dude, it just doesnt exist FOR YOU. you can have no gender. Theres a label for that too lol.
And about that one experiment that you mentioned: the kid who was raised as a girl experienced a type of dysphoria called social dysphoria and he experienced this solely because theyre is a significant difference between the way girls and boys are socialised.
Ik this is probably a huge rant for a spacehey blog comment but i just had to say this because you are very very wrong and you misunderstand a lot of things.

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ilyan's profile picture

ok i need a tl;dr

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avsies :3

avsies :3's profile picture

i agree with this fully.

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