hi there! this is my first blog post but i'd like to share an important resource. the userbase of this website seems to be primarily left-leaning - i've also noticed many minors expressing interest in these views.
as a marxist socialist myself, i wanted to share this resource. it's a google drive full of leftist literature, put together by the young leftist reading group (linktree here). i think it's important to keep yourself informed about the topics you speak about, particularly in this day and age.
if there's any specific book you've heard about, but don't have the oppurtunity to buy, please leave a reply or shoot me an IM and i'll try to help out. i know it's intimidating, being told to "read theory", but knowledge is a vital tool, and there's no reason to block acess to literature if it can be helped. hence, this doc full of pdfs! my goal here is to keep education as accessible as possible, for everyone, forever.
theory is only half the job - to any older comrades reading this, remember to organise within your community. and if you're a worker, join your union!
love & solidarity,
- evangeline
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