memories of you

The voice of the wind, the particles of light pour into you as you slumber.
風の声 光の粒 まどろむキミに そそぐ

A gentle smile that I will never forget, eyes that hid sadness
忘れない優しい微笑み 悲しさ隠した瞳を

You gave me the courage to face what I wish for (even if it's painful), so I'll go ahead.
願うこと (辛くても) 立ち向かう勇気キミに貰った だから行くね

In my dreams (when I wake up) I'll see you again
夢の中 (目覚めたら) また会えるよ
I sing a distant memory hidden in my heart
遠い記憶 胸に秘め歌う
Because you protected this fleeting, swaying world with your hands.
儚く たゆたう 世界をキミの手で守ったから

For now, just fold your wings and sleep peacefully.
今はただ 翼をたたんで ゆっくり眠りなさい

Wrapped in eternal peace, love through all eternity
永遠の安らぎに包まれて love through all eternity
Sleep in my hands as I watch over you gently.
優しく 見守る 私の この手で眠りなさい

I remember you, you were laughing, you were crying, you were angry.
笑ってた 泣いていた 怒ってた キミの事覚えている

I'll never forget, never, ever, until my life is exhausted
忘れない いつまでも決して until my life is exhausted
At the intersection, I heard a voice that sounded a lot like you.
交差点 聞こえてきた キミによく似た声

Turn around and look up at the sky, holding back the tears that are about to fall
振り向いて 空を仰ぎ見る 零れそうな涙こらえて

I'm alone and lost, believing that tomorrow (someday) I'll be able to see you again
明日こそ (いつの日か) もう一度キミに会えると信じ 一人迷い

On a rainy night (sunny morning), keep waiting
雨の夜 (晴れた朝) 待ち続けて
I'll never forget the night we ran through
忘れないよ 駆け抜けた夜を
For a dazzling, shining moment, I was with everyone.
眩く 輝く ひと時みんなと一緒だった

I was spending irreplaceable time without knowing it.
かけがえのない 時と知らずに 私は過ごしていた

I will embrace the feeling for now.
今はただ大切に偲ぶよう I will embrace the feeling
You were definitely by my side at that time.
キミはね 確かに あの時 私のそばにいた

Always, always, always laughing right next to me
いつだって いつだって いつだって すぐ横で笑っていた

Even if I lose you, I'll get you back I will never leave you
失くしても 取り戻す キミを I will never leave you
Because you protected this fleeting, swaying world with your hands.
儚く たゆたう 世界を キミの手で守ったから

For now, just fold your wings and sleep peacefully.
今はただ 翼をたたんで ゆっくり眠りなさい

Wrapped in eternal peace, love through all eternity
永遠の安らぎに包まれて love through all eternity

Sleep in my hands as I watch over you gently.
優しく 見守る 私の この手で眠りなさい

I remember you, you were laughing, you were crying, you were angry.
笑ってた 泣いていた 怒ってた キミの事覚えている

I'll never forget, never, ever, until my life is exhausted
忘れない いつまでも決して until my life is exhausted
I was with everyone for a dazzling, shining moment
眩く 輝く ひと時みんなと一緒だった

I was spending irreplaceable time without knowing it.
かけがえのない 時と知らずに 私は過ごしていた

I will embrace the feeling for now.
今はただ大切に偲ぶよう I will embrace the feeling
You were definitely by my side at that time.
キミはね 確かに あの時 私のそばにいた

Always, always, always laughing right next to me
いつだって いつだって いつだって すぐ横で笑っていた

Even if I lose you, I'll get you back I will never leave you
失くしても 取り戻す キミを I will never leave you

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