A note to American women

Admittedly, I didn't get much sleep last night. I continued to doom-scroll further and further until the clock reached 4:30 AM, making me realize there was no way I'd be well-rested enough for classes the next day. Nevertheless, I still went. I value my education and treated this morning like it was any other day.

What kept me up? It wasn't the election results that haunted me but rather the response to them. I looked at my university's anonymous forum, and it was littered with an large amount of hatred from both sides of the political spectrum. And amongst all the chaos, it's not enough for the right to celebrate an incredible victory on their part but to punch down in the process. It's time for them to prove what we knew all along: it was never about electing policies that will bring happiness to others. 

I'd like to address some clarification to those who are going to read this and wonder why I sound so dramatic. I fully recognize that there isn't going to be some drastic, evil change happening overnight. The return of the former president doesn't inherently mean the apocalypse. But I am here to talk about what this election does symbolize. I work in writing constantly and I know words have power. Thoughts turn into words, words turn into shared perceptions/beliefs, and those beliefs turn into policies that affect the people around us. 

I would never hate Republicans and conservatives exclusively for having an opinion I disagreed with. Furthermore, I have no intention of denouncing the election results as false. Democracy chose for Donald Trump to return to the Oval Office in a fair election whether I like it or not. The magic of democracy lies in that everyone gets a voice and choice, and I think we can all agree that has been exercised this week. But "I think we need to prioritize the economy first before we approach environmental issues" is a fine opinion. "The government needs to remain hands-off in how I choose to conduct business with my company" is a fine opinion. "Women are whores whose only purpose is procreation" is not an acceptable opinion. 

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There's never been a time when I fell in love with a politician. Kamala Harris to me was as flawed as many other politicians are. She spent very little of her campaign participating in reputable interviews where she could be candid. A few of her stances almost veered Republican at times. (People calling her a communist just for running on the Democrat ticket are insane for thinking she'd ever touch that realm. I'll never understand why people chose to view her as an extremist as opposed to the middle-ground candidate they claim to want so badly.) Not to mention, she had very little time to assemble a campaign together. Nevertheless, I had faith she would use her experience listen to the wishes of the people. The environment could be further taken care of, FEMA wouldn't be denied funding towards hurricane relief victims, Obergefell v. Hodges/Roe vs. Wade had a shot at being codified, 2nd amendment rights would stay intact, and we could assist those trapped in the clutches of war overseas. She was a concise speaker, had experience in all three branches of government, and managed to gain the vote of nearly half of the country. Not that it mattered. The right reduced her to nothing but a whore who slept her way through politics. She lost to a man who spent much of his debate against her making up statistics as he went along, each statement becoming more radically absurd than the last. She lost to a man whose entire appeal is not abiding by the rules, even if it means violating state and national law. Donald Trump gets to be the man who won in spite of secret encounters with a porn actress and 26 women accusing him of sexual assault. Kamala Harris is the woman who almost unfairly climbed to the top because she dared to be in a consensual relationship with a San Francisco mayor 30 years ago. The question I'll always wonder is why the bar for her was always so high and yet the bar for him continues to remain nonexistent.

If there's one thing I'll keep with me from this election, it's the knowledge of what most men and traditional women think behind closed doors. I'll remember the outlandish images created of Harris in obscene positions spread across the internet, images that would never be created for a male candidate. The fact is, the world has never been as evolved as it claims to be. Your history textbooks will tell you that the prejudices held decades ago were known errors of the past and we now live in a utopia of universal freedom by comparison. Despite the centuries of wars, legislation, and "social progress," there remains a strong force of people who won't hesitate to fight you for refusing to conform to their specific mindset of how to be. You'll be told to your face that they're happy for you for pursuing your American dream of a career. Behind your back, they will never really advocate for you to get further ahead. This election was more than just some slutty women whining about losing abortion rights in red states. It was a confirmation to women everywhere that you will not be seen beyond your body. You are unfit to lead because of the body you were born in. You will be made an example of for utilizing your autonomy in any manner deemed sexual/ugly while the men around you will always be granted a pass. Denying access to abortion nationwide is just the cherry on top, another way of "punishing" women for daring to participate in one of the most human and natural things a person can do. 

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The most unfortunate irony is that there's no welcome place to share this. Rightfully calling out a blatant double standard will only be reduced to liberal tears and the stereotype that women are too emotional to lead. Behold: the catch-22 of the year. It's difficult enough to show your feelings when you don't feel safe to do so. It's even harder when you know there's an army of people willing to crucify you for it, an army of people who don't know you at that. But why should I stay quiet? Why give into someone's idea that you're only what your flesh means to others? We can't encourage the notion that women can only be a quiet homemaker or a shrewish skank with little room for nuance. Not in 2024. The Madonna-whore Complex has been tired out for years.

So, what's there left to do? With all this in mind, it's easy to get discouraged. Watching a woman be publicly denied the most coveted seat in the nation yet again seems pretty final. But never lose hope, as we can always push forward. As long as the United States stands, there will be other elections. Women were given the right to vote in this country 100 years ago, and a woman CAN win the presidency, even if it means fighting for another century. Former SC Governor Nikki Haley managed to secure the second-highest amount of delegates in the 2024 Republican primaries behind Trump. Outside of politics, women have outpaced men in college enrollment and graduation for years. Young girls continue to score higher on average in school compared to their boy counterparts. Women are breaking glass ceilings in their own industries post-grad every year. Continue to encourage the young women around you. Never stop voting, even when the odds are stacked against you. Participate in peaceful protest when you see something wrong. Your words and emotions are power. Never let it be taken away from you. 

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