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Category: News and Politics

I am honestly tired and scared

[edited since ı found the news and politics tag, tho blod wont change as ı still stand by my initial text]

I'm really not sure on what category I should pick for this entry but I really don't care. I just wanna talk about the issues going on in Turkey, the country I am from and live in.

I don't want these issues to go unspoken on any site, and I hope people here have spoked about this before me but I am absolutely terrified, to be anywhere, not just outside, being or going anywhere alone terrifies me with the femicide rates just going up by the fucking second and the goverment does barely anything about this.

Actually I can think of a reason I picked this category for this entry "Goals, Plans, Hopes". Cause all of them apply to what I want, no, NEED changed here. [previous category]

The artical I pasted the following block is linked here. İf you're interested go check it but for people who don't want to:

"Stalking, sexual harassment, sexual violence (including rape), physical, and psychological abuse at the hands of intimate partners, forced marriage, and forced sterilisation are deeply traumatising acts of violence. The overwhelming majority of victims are women. Adding female genital mutilation and forced abortion as forms of violence that only women can be subjected to, shows the shocking level of diversity in cruel and degrading behaviour that women experience. If we consider the fact that most violence is carried out by men, it is just a small step to understanding that violence against women is structural violence – violence that is used to sustain male power and control. This is even more obvious if we consider at the patchy attempts of the police, courts and social services to help women victims which is seen in many countries across the world.

The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, also known as "the Istanbul Convention", is based on the understanding that violence against women is a form of gender-based violence that is committed against women because they are women. It is the obligation of the state to address it fully in all its forms and to take measures to prevent violence against women, protect its victims and prosecute the perpetrators. Failure to do so would make it the responsibility of the state. The convention leaves no doubt: there can be no real equality between women and men if women experience gender-based violence on a large-scale and state agencies and institutions turn a blind eye.

Because it is not only women and girls who suffer domestic violence, parties to the convention are encouraged to apply the protective framework it creates to men who are exposed to violence within the family or domestic unit. Nevertheless, it should not be overlooked that the majority of victims of domestic violence are women and that domestic violence against them is part of a wider pattern of discrimination and inequality."

Unfortunately the İstanbul Converntion was resigned from in 2021 by the goverment, and right now there is barely anything being done about the violence againts women in Turkey. I am not one to usually talk about politics but this situation is not one I can not speak up about when it's regarding my safety as I was born a woman (I don't identify as any gender but in Turkey 'I do' due to intense homophobia). 

There has been a case that slowly snowballed into the ban of Discord in my country, which I did proper research for a video explaining the situation of, which will be linked here.

The femicides happening in Turkey increasing has made me and a lot of people terrified and concerned for our safety that I barely feel safe walking a few meters outside alone. What makes me feel even more discusted is the way people treat us when we are out, it may not seem as much but I noticed a pattern when I'm outside and that is the people who approach us.

İt's that men are very much more likely to try and talk be it sales people or asking for directions, telling us compliments and so on, but whenever my dad or a male friend or cousin is with me, suddenly they're more interested in trying to talk to the woman walking alone trying to talk and sell to them.

I just wanna be able to go outside alone and be able to feel safe in my own country. Which is why I want to move away from here to Denmark where atleast there are people I know I can trust and everything about it.

This is what my hopes, goals and dreams are, for either this oppressive country to be fixed or just fucking leave.

4 Kudos


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