
I would like my words to be caresses, my sentences to be hugs, my paragraphs to be blankets in winter, and all of them together to create a dome of comfort and security for the people I love. But no, that never happens, my words are mere blowings in the wind, my sentences are branches on the road, too weak to hold on to, my paragraphs are old curtains and notes, too damaged to protect, and all that together, no matter how hard one tries, is useless.

I'm not good at giving advice, I know how to listen but I don't know how to express to the other person how their words make me feel. "I'm so sorry" “Everything will be fine” “I hope it will pass soon”, these are phrases that everyone can say, but how does the other person know that I'm really sorry? That it's not just a sentence, that I haven't just said it for the sake of saying it.

I feel like the only thing I'm good for is to make people happy and help them, but I can't even comfort my friends, and that makes me a useless bitch, because I can't achieve the one goal I have, the one thing I could achieve.

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insomnia's profile picture

i know it may not be much of a comfort, but i understand. i'm not good with my words, i'm not good at reassuring others.

but remember that, the motive behind the words is what counts.

"it will be okay" may be an overused expression, but that doesn't mean the person saying them is any less sincere.

you want to help, and you're trying your best. if someone can't understand and appreciate it, then that's on them. you want to comfort and care for others. that's what counts. not being poetic with your words of reassurance doesn't make you a failure.

sending love 💜

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Thanks 💕

by ★Eli's mind★; ; Report