get to know me survey!

i saw a few other people do this and i thought it looked fun! i did cut some stuff out that i just didnt want to answer 

heres the link to the quiz -



name:: raven

nickname:: my friends call me rave sometimes :P

how old are you:: 19!

zodiac sign:: libra

current location:: my home in evil eastern WA

eye color:: green

hair color:: pink :3

hair type:: pin straight

hieght:: 5'5

your heritage:: idk but im very white

what's your middle name:: autumn 

shoe's you wore today:: slippers becuz i didnt go anywhere today

your weakness:: being unable to connect with others properly

your fear:: SPIDERS

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no

do you want to:: sure!

goal you would like to achieve this year:: go to a party/gathering/social event with people my age

first thought when you wake up:: i genuinely dont think when i first wake up

best physical feature:: eyes

who is your bestest freind:: my cat clover!

when is your bedtime:: like 3am usually

your most cherished memory:: sitting in the yard of the house i lived in during the summer before kindergarten, i was blowing bubbles so there were bubbles all over the grass and in the air and the sun was shining through the trees in just the right way. it genuinely felt like magic 

pepsi or coke:: coke zero

mc dondalds or burgerking:: neither

singel or group dates:: idk! i think both might be nice depending on the situation

what is the last song you sang:: piano fire by sparklehorse

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: i like bass players (unpopular opinion i know)

what is your biggest pet peeve:: people who are always late

do you drink:: sometimes

ever been drunk:: MANY times

do you smoke:: sometimes

do you "SMOKE":: also sometimes

do you sing:: singing is extremely fun to me but i only do it when im by myself

what color underwear do you have on:: grey :P

do you want to go to college:: yes but thats something that i dont think i will ever be able to do

have you ever been in love:: yes, but only once

do you wnat to get married:: i always tell others that getting married is overrated but deep down, i really do

do you believe in yourself:: yes

do you believe inothers:: its hard but i try to

do you like thunderstorms:: i LOVE thunderstorms

do you play an instrument:: i used to play the flute in highschool and i loved it

what do you want to be when you grow up:: i want to be at peace

what country would you like to visit:: sweeden or germany

how many CD's do you own:: 18 currently

how many DVD's do you own:: 50+

how many tattoo's do you have:: none but i would like to get a few

how many piercings do yo have:: none but i used to have my eyebrow pierced!

how many things in the past do you regeret:: i like to think i dont regret anything because ive only ever acted 100% authentically, but i do acknowledge that ive done/said some things i shouldnt have 


shoes:: mary janes

radio station:: 96.1 in the spokane area, i had that on 24/7 when i was in the psyche ward

drink:: coke zero!

car:: im not a car gal by any means but i love the impala from supernatural

place:: the abandoned trestle over the river by my house

song:: right now its the stripped version of crush by ethel cain

movie:: house of wax (bo sinclair IS my husband)

color:: pink+grey

Cute Line Smiley

0 Kudos


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