1. Tea or coffee? Coffee
2. Salty or sweet? Sweet
3. Last book you read? Harry Potter
4. Shopping online or in the flesh? In the store
5. Best blogging/writing/social media advice you’ve ever given or received? None XD
6. Cupcake or ice cream? Ice cream
7. Name one thing you regret? Ignoring one of my teachers
8. Ideal Sunday morning? Sleep the fuck in
9. Vacation destination: Mountains or beach beach
10. What are you most proud of? My talent in math & Spanish
11. Favorite type of bagel? Cinnamon raisin
12. Who would you most want to be stuck in an elevator with? Noone
13. Most important quality in a friend? Just being a good friend that isn’t dry as hell
14. What you would most want to change about yourself? How I look
15. Talent you wish you had? To be handsome
16. Biggest fear? Getting rejected
17. Number #1 on your Bucket List? To fly to Poland because some of my family live there
18. What side of the bed do you sleep on? The fuck is this anyways left side if it matters
19. Men: Boxers or briefs? Boxers
20. Women: The one beauty/makeup item you can’t live without? I’m a guy sooooooo
21. One word that describes you best? Yapper
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★Chloe ★
For 14 DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED and for 15 you already have that talent my love
. Also for the one thats for women, I can’t live without eyeliner.