deftonenjoye(r)'s profile picture

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Category: Life

recent activities...

as of late i haven't been on here for whatever reason i cant see to access the sight unless im connected to a private Wi-Fi. thanks Microsoft. (Microsoft is what's been blocking me.) like i prefer to use social medias on my computer simply because i type faster. im in my ceramics class its been going well, we started a skull project I'm likening it so far. ive been commissioned to make 2 mugs and i already had plans to make a few mugs, but holy do people like to ask for stuf when your in-art classes, or woodworking classes.  

the girl i so desperately want to be with, i invited her to a halloween party it more of a kiddy thing though. and i wanted to also (i sound like a 5 year old saying this) go trick or treating with her. i dont know I figured I might as well invite her to something. im going to see if i can get work on Saturday do something with the money  weather its inviteing her to the movies or blowing it in goodwill idk. i kinda just want to work.

and for another one of my classes i have to watch and hour and a mother fucking half documentary. i am not fuckin doing that. i strugle watching an interesting documentary, let alone a documentary about the revolution hell no. the bih is out her god damn mind. 

thats it for today or at least right now, thankyou for your time.

regards, r

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