Another MySpace quiz

Snagged this from A-A-Ron (fixed any spelling issues from the original quiz lol)


name:: Keith
nickname:: Keef
how old are you:: 29, turning 30 this month
zodiac sign:: Scorpio babyyy
current location:: Corn Hell, USA
eye color:: mostly green, kinda blue/gray?
hair color:: naturally brown, but right now dyed reddish
hair type:: short/shaved on the side and lower back, longer on top
height:: 5'2" 
your heritage:: Swiss, Dutch-Amish, Swedish, French, Norwegian, Scottish, Irish, English... so painfully white
what's your middle name:: My legal one will be changed at some point, but the one I've chosen is Nova!
shoes you wore today:: Nothing yet, but will be some hightops
your weakness:: Animals, plushies, food
your fear:: Drowning, clowns, centipedes, being truly alone
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: No 
do you want to:: Kinda!
goal you would like to achieve this year:: Get a consult for top surgery!!
first thought when you wake up:: Some garbled complaining
best physical feature:: My eyes, my hands
who is your bestest friend:: My husband, my mom
when is your bedtime:: Uhhh 2 AM is early for me...
your most cherished memory:: I can't pick just one
Pepsi or Coke:: I don't drink soda, just water for me!
McDonald's or Burger King:: McDonald's most of the time
single or group dates:: Depends on my mood and how well I know the other couples
what is the last song you sang:: I think it was a Boston song on the radio yesterday. 
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: I think so
what is your biggest pet peeve:: CARS HAVE BLINKERS FOR A REASON, my mom/husband leaving trash in my car, people parking in handicap spots because they're lazy or say they'll 'just be a minute'
do you drink:: No
ever been drunk:: No but I wanna know what kinda drunk I'd be
do you smoke:: Hell no, both my parents did/do and they're having issues now because of it. Also hate the smell.
do you "SMOKE":: Ma does and I would if my lungs were not so bad lol
do you sing:: Hell yeah, auto-harmonizing alto here!
what color underwear do you have on:: gray
do you want to go to college:: Not again, no. It wasn't worth it.
have you ever been in love:: I still am, so I married him lol
do you want to get married:: Done did it
do you believe in yourself:: Uhhhh depends on the day?
do you believe in others:: Certain persons, yes. People as a whole, hell no
do you like thunderstorms:: I love sitting around listening to thunder, but no wind or tornadoes please
do you play an instrument:: Violin!
what do you want to be when you grow up:: I wanted to work with animals or do some kind of nature job. Right now, I work with kids so I get to do math. I'd love to weave/make baskets, or if I had the gumption, get a degree to do volcanology and tectonics and whatnot.
what country would you like to visit:: Japan, South Korea, Ireland
how many CD's do you own:: Probably less than 20 myself
how many DVD's do you own:: A metric ton lol, even more VHS tapes
how many tattoo's do you have:: None, but there are a few I would like.
how many piercings do yo have:: Just my earlobes
how many things in the past do you regeret:: A handful of things I guess


shoes:: I love Vans and Osiris a lot
radio station:: My local metal/rock one
drink:: I literally only drink water and MAYBE rarely alcohol. Smart water is top tier, as is Liquid Death! The mango/strawberry smoothie at Applebees with a shot of Patron is tasty.
car:: I LOVE my Saturn, I'd love a Subaru or Toyota as my next car.
place:: Columbus, Ohio (where I want to move to) and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
song:: Lullaby by Nickelback, and Space was Cool from In Space with Markiplier
movie:: Twister, As Above: So Below
moment:: When I used to walk the dog around midnight at the house on Christmas and it was quiet and starry
color:: Blue and purple and pink and black (or a mix, galaxy is top tier)
meal:: A ridiculously specific dish from a restaurant in Baltimore, Maryland. And the Cheddar Bay Biscuits from Red Lobster xD


favorite eye color:: blue/gray or hazel
favorite hair color:: black 
short or long hair:: anything is fine
height:: taler than me by a bit at least, but it really doesn't matter that much
body type:: I like leaner guys, or brick walls lol
does ethnicity matter:: no
piercings:: totally okay either way!
tattoos:: I would say no face ones, but otherwise is fine!


do you think you are attractive:: Decently so?
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: I mean I have a celebrity crush or something but uh... not otherwise xD
would you like to be someone's fantasy:: Been told by a friend they've jerked it to me before, huge compliment to me honestly 
hunter or hunted:: Depends on the context honestly
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed, unless it's a quick peck or we're being silly
a little or a lot of tongue:: depends on the mood yet again
older or younger:: I would say older overall, but younger by a year or two is the max I'd go probably
lights on/lights off or candle light:: We have the lights off but a little nightlight dino on so we can at least see enough to get it to work lol
do you like to cuddle after:: we shower together to rinse off and then cuddle
do you like to cuddle in general:: Hell yeah


what is todays date:: October 4, 2024
what time is it:: 1:09 AM
who are you thinking of:: Husband and cat 
what are you listening to:: Random youtube crap
do you love someone:: Yeppers
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: xD
does someone love you:: Yes ^.^
is it raining:: not right now
how many myspace friends do you have:: Never had one. On Spacehey I have 91 I think, Facebook is less lol
are you happy:: In general I try to be, it's been better since my depression med has balanced out finally


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