My favorite Video games.
While I might not be huge on gaming, I still love a good game 😏This will be a simple blog since this is my first time posting one-
While not my FAVORITE it is still a decent game, but the spiders scare me to be honest 😭So I tend to play in creative mode since I really only play it for the building part :D I play Minecraft on my Nintendo switch but I think you can play on some computers too!Scratch: is a coding website- a block coding website! You can share projects, comment, favorite and a lot of other stuff! While it is not any hardcore gaming website, I enjoy it!(My favorite on this list) <3Mario odyssey:
Mario odyssey is a fun game- I mean who does NOT like a good Mario game??! Still nothing crazy- but I mean it is one of the first Nintendo switch games I played so it has a special place in my heart! :D Plus I can beat it easy now since I have replayed it so many times- ;)Among us:
This is more of a recent game I have started to play, easily one of the best!! I can get away with murder and NOT go to jail-- Really the only things about it is it hates my laptop also can be laggy- and the people can be a bit strange :PWell, this ends my FIRST blog!!
What are your favorite games/websites?! Feel free to comment why!
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