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Category: Quiz/Survey

about me survey 🕊️

Name:: cece/sango

Nickname:: cece with the big pp, superfart1 (yes someone actually calls me these)

How old are you:: 14

Zodiac sign:: libra

Current location:: my bed 🤤 🤤 

Eye color:: blue

Hair color:: brown

Hair type:: idfk kinda wavy??? a little fluffy on a good day??

Height:: 5'4 1/2 i think 

Your Heritage:: idfk.... british (yuck) and polish mostly??

What's your middle name:: bailey

Shoe's you wore today:: blue white gray & black dc hi tops

Your weakness:: uhhhhm my wife idk 

Your fear:: heights, old men, large crowds

Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: nah

Do you want to:: maybee

Goal you would like to achieve this year:: eeerm

First thought when you wake up:: did wife text me....

Best physical feature:: everything but my face and hair

Who is your bestest friend:: jams and oliver :33

Your most cherished memory:: i forgor

Pepsi or Coke:: neither royal crown cola better

Mc donalds or Burgerking:: butgerking 🤤 

Single or Group dates:: single?

What is the last song you sang:: i dony remember idk

Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: depends if thegre good (fingers 🤤 🤤)

What is your biggest pet peeve:: when parents let their little kid do whatever tf they want

Do you drink:: nu uh

Ever been drunk:: nu uh

Do you smoke:: no thats BAD!!!

Do you "SMOKE":: maybe.. /j i dont

Do you sing:: occasionally 

What color underwear do you have on:: i am NOT telling yall that

Do you want to go to college:: yeah i think

Have you ever been in love:: a lot

Do you wnat to get married:: yeah!!!!!!

Do you believe in yourself:: occasionally 

Do you believe in others:: ehhhh..

Do you like thunderstorms:: no yheyre scary

Do you play an instrument:: i used to play trumpet.. i have a guitar i need to learn how yo play

What do you want to be when you grow up:: married yo my wife

what country would you like to visit:: idk..

how many CD's do you own:: none yet

how many DVD's do you own:: a bunch

how many tattoo's do you have:: none (yet :3)

how many piercings do yo have:: just my ears

how many things in the past do you regret:: a shit ton lol


shoes:: my dcs..... 🤤 splatoon converse are really cool too i want a pair

radio station:: uhh idk

drink:: root beer....

car:: hrhrhhfhf idk i like a lot of cars...

place:: my bed 

song:: uhmmm

movie:: fast & furious? bolt? garfield live action? 1954 godzilla?

moment:: uhhh..

color:: blue

meal:: cheesesteak.. country fried steak.... fried catfish or flounder.....


favorite eye color:: my wifes eye color

favorite hair color:: my wifes hair color

short or long hair:: my wifes hair length

height:: my wifes height

body type:: my wifes body type

does ethnicity matter:: no what

piercings:: 🤤 🤤 

tattoos:: 🤤 🤤 


do you think you are attractive:: yah except my face 

are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: nu uh they know

would you like to be someones fantasy:: i am..heh..

hunter or hunted:: yuck

do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: never kissed 

a little or a lot of tongue:: tongue 🤤/j

older or younger:: thats a weird ass question yuck

lights on/lights off or candle light:: i HATE lights

do you like to cuddle in general:: yah


what is todays date:: 10/20/24 (my birthday!)

what time is it:: 9:31pm

who are you thinking of:: my wife.......

what are you listening to:: a youtube video

do you love someone:: obsessed with my gf 😓

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: no 😭 😭 

does someone love you:: im pretty sure :3

is it raining:: thankfully not

how many spacehey friends do you have::  ummmm 1900 something i think?

are you happy:: uhh right now yeah

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