Personal Basics
What’s your name? Yessica (fake name) teehee
Do you have any nicknames? Poopie head
How old are you? 34
What’s your zodiac sign? Gimini
Where were you born? Ohio ‘Merca
Where do you currently live? In the appalachian mountains
Do you have any siblings? 2 sissies and 2 brothers
Do you have any pets? 5 beautiful angel babies (cats) and one stinky dog
Are you more of an introvert or extrovert? INTROVERT (INFJ)
What’s your favorite color? Black, purple or turquoise
What languages do you speak? english
What’s your favorite food? Sushi, and Kimchi fried rice
Favorite drink (non-alcoholic)? water
Favorite alcoholic drink? White claw!!!!
Favorite movie? Spirited Away
Favorite book? The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Favorite TV show? The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
Favorite season of the year? Fall, but winter is a close 2nd
Favorite ice cream flavor? Coffee
Favorite type of music? Indie
Favorite band/artist? The Cure
Favorite song of all time? Lovesong
Favorite holiday? Turkey day!
Favorite video game? Psychonauts! <3
Favorite place to relax? The couch
Favorite dessert? Homemade chocolate chip coooookiess
Favorite time of day? Dusk
Childhood & School
What was your dream job as a kid? Voice actor, artist, pro soccer player
Who was your childhood best friend? Sarah H.
What is your favorite subject in school? ART!
What’s your earliest memory? Licking leaves inside a big bush
Are you a good student in school? Only in the subjects I enjoyed
Do you have a favorite teacher? My art teacher was the coolest
What was your favorite toy? My pokemon toys!
What was your favorite cartoon growing up? Courage the Cowardly Dog
What was your first video game console? Super nintindo!
What’s something you miss about being a kid? No responsibility
Do you believe in ghosts? nope
What’s your opinion on aliens? They are just demons pretending to be something else.
Do you think people are born good or bad? We are all born bad, but we also have the good.
Is there such a thing as fate? Sometimes, but we all have a choice to make.
Do you believe in karma? nope
Are humans the most intelligent species on Earth? No, I think the angels and demons are a bit smarter than us.
What’s your take on religion? There is a God and he loves us, and he hopes we choose him and not the darkness.
Do you think we’ll see flying cars in our lifetime? maybe
Are people too reliant on technology? deffinitly
Should pineapple go on pizza? YES! It is the best topping on pizza!
Is social media good or bad for society? It can be used for good, but it mostly hurts people ;(
Hypothetical Scenarios
If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy? Pay off mine and my families houses
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Right here
If you could have dinner with any three people (dead or alive), who would they be? Jesus, and my two grandmas
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Veggie stirfry
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I would make it so everyone knew the truth
If you could time travel to any period, when would you go? A time before the grid
If you had one superpower, what would it be? Animal shape shifting
If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? My husnad
If you had to live in a video game world, which one would it be? POKEMON!
If you could read minds, would you? No waaaaay, that would be way too painful, and I would get my feelings hurt everyday.
Love & Relationships
Are you single, taken, or it’s complicated? Married to the love of my life
How long was your longest relationship? 7 years
Have you ever been in love? YES
Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes :(
Do you believe in soulmates? yup
How do you show someone you love them? Kiss them on the face, help with all their needs
What’s your ideal first date? Hiking, eating, flying kites
What’s a dealbreaker for you in relationships? Cheating, not loving God, being rude to workers.
Do you prefer to be the one pursued or the pursuer? pursued
What’s the most romantic thing someone’s done for you? Write me a love poem
Have you ever been cheated on? Not that I know of...
Have you ever cheated on someone? I WOULD NEVER!!!
Random Fun Questions
What’s the last song you listened to? Little Dreamer by Future Islands
What’s your guilty pleasure? vaping
Do you have any weird habits? Making weird faces and strange noises
What’s something that always makes you laugh? Dani opening her mouth
What’s your most embarrassing moment? Every time I try to talk to strangers and unintentionally make it awkward…
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? Wet cat food ( I was a kid okay!)
What’s a conspiracy theory you believe in? All my conspiracy's are true.. Big Government worships the devil, cern, food, chemicals.. ect..
Do you have any secret talents? I can burp on command. Ive never lost a burping contest.
What’s a talent you wish you had? I wish I could play the drums really well
If you were a superhero, what would your name be? opssomnater
What’s the craziest dream you’ve ever had? I was in a giant water take being chased by a megladon whale thing
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? McDonalds
What’s a fear you’ve never told anyone? Im worried I will never be able to stop my bad habits and it will destroy me..
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? The forest by the cure
What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received? I cant recall any
What’s a fashion trend you wish would come back? Grunge
What’s your hidden talent? I already told you!
What’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to pick up? Forest foraging
What’s the last thing you Googled? How to spell a word
What’s your dream car? Matte black hearse with deep purple interior
This or That
Coffee or tea? both
Cats or dogs? CATS
Night or morning? morning
Sweet or salty? salty
Winter or summer? Winter ( I love snow!)
Pizza or burgers? pizzzza
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
Books or movies? Movies (im a slow dyslexic reader)
Ocean or mountains? mountains
Hot or cold showers? hot
Sunrise or sunset? sunset
Introvert or extrovert? introvert
Netflix or YouTube? netflix
Marvel or DC? marvel
Batman or Superman? Bat
City or countryside? Always country
Deep Questions
What’s your biggest fear? Not making it to the finish line
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in life? Love is the secret to life
What’s your biggest regret? Starting vaping
What motivates you to keep going? love
What’s your proudest accomplishment? Painting my first mural
What’s something you would change about yourself? The autism
What’s your most treasured possession? My husband (can he count as my possession? heh)
What’s something you’re still trying to understand about yourself? The anxiety
What’s the meaning of life to you? Love. Loing God, Loving your neighbor, loving yourself
What’s one thing people always misunderstand about you? They think I am mean because of my RBF, im really nice I promise!
What’s a goal you have for the future? Paint more murals!
Would You Rather
Would you rather live in space or underwater? Neither! I hate them both
Would you rather always be hot or always be cold? Cold, the heat makes me ill
Would you rather have a million dollars or a million social media followers? $$$
Would you rather have no internet for a year or no phone for a year? No phone
Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible? fly
Would you rather have free travel for life or free food for life? food
Would you rather be famous for something bad or never be famous at all? never
Would you rather never be able to watch TV again or never be able to listen to music again? NEVER WATCH TV
Would you rather have unlimited time or unlimited money? Money probably.. I don’t want to be here forever.
Fun Facts About You
What’s a random fun fact about you? I love to make comics
What’s the weirdest fact you know? The appalachian mountains are home to the most diverse salamander population!
Do you collect anything? Bones (mostly skulls and teeth) and Pokemon toys
Have you ever been on TV? Yes for a mural, but it was a small local channel
Have you ever broken a bone? Not yet!
Have you ever been in a fight? Yes with this mean girl when I was 9. but allso in jiu jitsu we fight for fun <3
What’s your most-used emoji? poop
What’s your favorite app? penterest
Do you play any instruments? I play the drums, but not very well :(
What’s something you wish more people knew about you? I love opossums
Travel & Adventure
What’s the farthest you’ve traveled from home? Germany
Where would you love to travel next? I don’t lilke to travel
What’s the best vacation you’ve ever had? To ohio to see my BFF, or when I went to Alaska, that was funnn
What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? Climb up a water tower in the middle of winter
What’s one place you’d never want to visit? Anywhere I would have to travel for more than 5 hours
What’s your dream travel destination? The Ohio islands
Do you prefer to travel alone or with others? Always with friends or family
Do you prefer road trips or plane rides? I hate both, but if I had to pick.. road
What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to? Denali state park in alaska
Closing Thoughts
What’s one thing you’re grateful for today? That this freaking quizz is almost over!
What’s something you’re looking forward to this week? Kayaking
What’s something you learned today? That this quizz was too long
What’s one thing you’d tell your younger self? Don’t do the drugs, oh and you are autistic so you can know whats wrong with you now and can better cope.
What’s something you want to achieve by the end of the year? Paint another mural, and make a comic once a week!!
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