Cypress's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

First survey

Thought I'd do this survey since I'm technically new. Got this survey from here:



name: Cypress
how old are you: 18
zodiac sign: Aquarius
current location: The interwebs
eye color: Brown
hair color: Also brown
hair type: Straight, kinda wavy
height: Average height...
shoe's you wore today: Knock off Walmart Doc Martins
your weakness: Anything sweet...
your fear: Probably being paralyzed
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: Nope
do you want to: Sounds fun
goal you would like to achieve this year: Being more active
first thought when you wake up: What I'm gonna eat
best physical feature: All of it?
when is your bedtime: Whenever my melatonin peaks
your most cherished memory: Hanging out with childhood friends
pepsi or coke: Coke tbh
mcdonalds or burgerking: Both are good honestly
single or group dates: Group dates sound chaotic
what is the last song you sang: Be like Superman by MSI
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: It's cool ig
what is your biggest pet peeve: Someone asking me to do something right as I'm doing it
do you drink: Occasionally
ever been drunk: Yeah
do you smoke: Pretty rarely
do you sing: Not professionally, but here and there
do you want to go to college: Nah, don't know what I'd go there for
have you ever been in love: Few times
do you want to get married: Eh, not really
do you believe in yourself: For the most part yeah
do you believe in others: Sometimes
do you like thunderstorms: Yea, I always look forward to them. I like the cold air and the sound of the wind
do you play an instrument: Not really, I have a ukulele and a keyboard that I mess with now and then but nothing more
what do you want to be when you grow up: I'm not sure actually
what country would you like to visit: All of them
how many CD's do you own: Probably only two
how many DVD's do you own: More than ten at least
how many tattoo's do you have: Zero
how many piercings do you have: Zero, but I would like some
how many things in the past do you regret: Not many, and most of them had little impact


shoes: Etnies. Had a pair a few years back before they fell apart
radio station: Any jazz station
drink: Probs the original Monster
car: Ehh don't have one
place: My house
song: Vanity - MSI
movie: Nah
moment: Any time where I've had fun
color: Dark red
meal: Probably rice w/curry


what is todays date: October 3, 2024
what time is it: 12:08 as typing my response to this question
who are you thinking of: Thinking bout food honestly
what are you listening to: The Distractible podcast
do you love someone: On a platonic and familial level, yes
do you know where your mechanical bull is: Unfortunately no, but they sound fun
does someone love you: I'd hope so
is it raining: Wish it was
how many myspace friends do you have: None so far, but it's only been about an hour
are you happy: I'm content enough

0 Kudos


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