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Category: Blogging

Creating a resume??

likke i jusst graduated (still gotta do exams) and im creating my resume now so i dont have to later but like, ive never had a job before, wtf do i put on it?? like i have no references, past experience  or anything

pls i need help on what to add to it, i got like some basic skills and my level of education, but like its sooooo bare, i need stuff to add so it actually looks good

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SeaStar⋆。°☆'s profile picture

Were you in any clubs? Babysat or took care of pets for other family members and friends? You can put things like that on there. Honestly, my best suggestion to you is to start volunteering somewhere to build experience. Or see if a friend or family member can put in a good word for you at their place of work. Also, anyone can be a reference as long as they're not family such as teachers, friends, your neighbors, etc.

I'm not sure if this makes sense, I'm not good with words. I wish you all the best.

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thnxx yeah that actually helped (though i was in the queer club so dont know if i should mention that lol) but yeah i might try that, thnx again

by xXSea.bunnsXx; ; Report