Stupid Project Idea

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I have one of those spur of the moment project ideas but basically, for an old English project I rewrote a scene from Romeo and Juliet but with different characters. I chose characters I had made and chose the scene where Mercutio dies. I formatted it really well and got a 100 on it, so I think about that project a lot. But I was thinking back to this video where a guy got all his friends together and had them perform Romeo and Juliet from memory (Only one person had read it before, who wasn't playing a part. Instead he wrote like small bullet notes on each scene and that's what the actors had to work off.

Mixing that idea with mine, I had the grand idea to rewrite the entire play of Romeo and Juliet but with my silly little characters and have my silly little friends perform it. Yeah, no, like Hell I'm ever completing that. Maybe it'd be over years and years, but like come on T>T

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