★ THE DAY OUT: Sore throat has been kicking my ass ALL DAY AND NIGHT but we persevere!! ᕙ(͡°‿ ͡°)ᕗ It was better than yesterday which is ALL THAT MATTERS >:]] Nonetheless, I went out and about with Mom today. Went to the Spirit Halloween- and tell me why all the clothes there are low-key so good? Some of the stuff there was so pretty and cool and awesome. When did Spirit Halloween get so goated all of a sudden? Anyways, didn't buy anything. Afterwards, we went to CPK for lunch, and then chilled out for the rest of the day. Lazy Sunday ^.^
★ SCARY MOVIE NIGHT: Haven't watched any new movies, we are saving that for October, but have been rewatching some of my other favorites. Obviously had to do Little Shop of Horrors because that movies is one of my biggest comfort movies of all time. It was just as great on rewatch. Then we rewatched Psycho, another favorite of mine.
Literally forgot how much I love Psycho, of course its a classic and all, so it's not that special/niche but its just SO GOOD. Like, if you have the patience for an old time-y movie, Psycho is such a good pick. ( ꈍᴗꈍ) It's corny at times, most old movies are. Obviously they didn't have today's high tech CGI and makeup that would make it convincing but it's just such a charming movie. The Birds is probably my second favorite Alfred Hitchcock film, but it's pretty closely tied with Rear View Window. Both are great. Sorry, ranting, I just love those movies so so bad. T.T
I'm done with the ranting, I'm gonna go knock out.
- KB ☆
SONG OF THE DAY! https://open.spotify.com/track/6V0tqfsAK5jwwk8etYMK6L?si=d8d6862c70754e28
(It's All Forgotten Now- 'The Shining' Soundtrack)
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