That's for sure. Just happened yesterday.
For some reason, in my case, it's always the same dang toes that get stubbed.
So I swore a blue-streak, wrapped the toes in medical-tape to keep them stable (a.k.a. buddy-taping, because yes, I may have broken one, judging from the slightly unnatural angle), took some naproxen and applied ice to them. Life goes on, dammit.
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Chaos Conspiracies
i stubbed mine & the nail is a bit black now >_< even after a few weeks >_<
Oh no - sorry to hear that! From what I've read about it, it can take up to 6-8 weeks to heal. I hope the pain has gone away in your case, at least!
by R. West; ; Report
yes the pains gone jus the nail loks gross >_<
by Chaos Conspiracies; ; Report