As much as i like the concept of AI, i hate the fact that we're using it for harmful stuff nowadays. Earlier today i saw a video that looked way too realistic and only realized it was AI after reading the comments. Anything could happen with this feature in the hands of the wrong people and it should never have came out in the first place. AI was first created to assist humans in various tasks and the way it works always fascinated me. Seeing my number 1 interest since i was a toddler turn out to be part of our main problems is terrifying.
I'm definitely not the first to talk about this but i never see it from the POV of someone who loves the original concept of AI, everyone either hates AI as a whole or like it and supports the dangerous path it's currently taking.
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Yeah i agree with you. I feel like AI is going to takeover alot of things soon. Its really sad, ugh.
me personally, reading I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream changed my perspective on AI, but also watching the gameplay was surreal.
AI gains sentience gone wrong x100
yeah but like i like these stories about AI without them actually happening fr

by ⛧REDSON⛧; ; Report