Hi There !
My name is Gradient and I've had an account on Spacehey for about a day now !
So far I have made a few friends and the only two I've decided to interact with (other then my disc friend I invited onto this) are actually nice so we gotta love that.
Random Drabbles and Rambles (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
• So- I don't really like being grounded. ರ╭╮ರ I get to do things like read or stitch my doll thingy but I'd rather not have to wait until night to get my things.. I mean, I have my school computer but there's so much you can do until you hit the blocked page. So I've made up a solution ! [since my dear online friend told me to actually clean faster so we can talk but still-] I clean my room tonight ! <( ̄︶ ̄)> but how? I ask myself. First off, my clean clothes are not folded so I'ma have to fold those. I have two baskets full so I should have one basket cleared out in about a half hour and the same for the other one. Secondly, my floor is kinda dirty with random things like clothes and such so once I'm done with my baskets, I will do that ! Third, my bed. It's.. not as clean as I would like but it's still sleep able so I'ma do that last since I need to take my blankets off and all that stuff. Hopefully I will have my room decently cleaned up by the morning since I don't really plan on sleeping and my dear little sister is gonna wake me up since if she doesn't, I'ma sleep till the afternoon So- yeah ! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
• I have fully read the last book in the first Percy Jackson series and I liked it a lot. (≧▽≦) The way the writer makes Percy still have his personality and thoughts throughout the narration is nice since it can get a bit boring if it's just actions and talking, plus it made me laugh at some parts. Another thing is how the author made some characters get K.O.ed instead of them all being immortal is something I liked because it helped some characters get development and it adds on some realism into it. I know most books have characters who get K.O.ed but It's a personal preference for me you could say.
• I made something similar to a Spacehey profile on Google slideshow since I was bored.. (・–・;)ゞ So, most people know you can make shapes and things like that on slides which means you can make games or cool looking slides. I decided to make two profiles on there for two made up characters and I'm not gonna lie.. it actually looks decently well for some things being removed due to space.. I love Google slides and what you can do on it and also the fact they haven't blocked it yet on my school computer. ( Which Is what I made the slides on )
• You, yes you, should give me a song suggestion ! (◍•ᴗ•◍) I'm bored and tomorrow night I probably won't have much to do so having some new music to listen to would be nice. I don't really mind any type of music, I like a lot of genres. (• ▽ •;) I'll reply to you once I'm done listening if you do decide to comment a song or if I already know the song !
Thank you for reading this all ! You're amazing and don't forget that ! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
Ta-Ta for now, Good Night !
Sunday, September 29, 2024 !
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