About Longlegs

"Longlegs" was an interesting investigation type of movie, but not as scary as people are trying to make it out. Ya'll the ones making it scary for ya'll. Nicholas Cage also surprisingly has a nice rockstar like singing voice. But yeah, ya'll need to calm down because it is your imaginations making that scary for ya'll. Not gonna give spoilers, but I did find some parts cheesy towards the end. I love a good investigation storyline though. 

I went out of my way to see it last night since I heard rumors it was so scary they might be canceling it. I think what scared them is their own imaginations & paranoia. Not the movie itself. I was prepared for a movie that scary though. 

You know what movie actually did scare me though? The movie "13 Cameras" had me paranoid about hidden cameras in bathrooms lol. So sometimes what we see in movies that scares us is our own paranoia being fed. We all do tend to seem to like fear though, because of the thrill of being scared. Why we will go out of our ways to be scared more than most people want to admit. Basically naturally we thrill seek. Like back as a little girl going to that haunted house setup once a year "Museum of Horrors." 

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