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Category: Blogging

September 27th

Finally Friday!! Another week down, my IEP meeting happened yesterday. Heard it went well but I didn't got this time so I don't got much more than that. Tomorrow I have a pediatist appointment, kinda nervous bout that if I'm being honest. Feet are such a weird thing and I'm just not used to people actively percieving mine or touching them. Regardless I still gotta go, I have been getting random pains but I think that's just cause I've been more active as of late. I really don't think too hard when something starts hurting I just wait for it to go away on it's own. To be clear I dont think it's good thing, my relationship with pain is not normal. There's not much I can do about it though, if I stopped what I was doing everytime my body hurt I wouldn't be doing anything except laying in bed.

Went ahead I finally finished an assignment I had been putting off. It's hard for me to explain but what it was asking was just not cohesive with the material given so it was upsetting. Ik it was definitely not my best work but submitting something is better than nothing at all. Also turned in some homework I forgot about.

Might be actually be getting a stick n' poke, nothing big or detailed. It'd actually have to hide it most of the time, placement wise I'm probably gonna have it on my thigh. With how hairy I amd and how little I wear short shorts I figure it's the best spot. That's also where it'd want it even if I didn't have to conceal it. It's just a simple earwig, head thorax and abdomen, no legs and I'm debating on if I want the antenna.

Another thing, today I had someone ask to try my drink. I was like surprised ar first as that's like a close friend thing. Or like you really trust that person, I did end up saying yes. I've always been very particular with sharing my things idk it's probably not a big thing to the person who asked. He's pretty cool with borrowing and sharing, particularly with one person but they've always been pretty cclose. Does this mean we're like friend friends?? We've been friend-LY but I always have a hard time gaging whether another person views me as a friend. I think it does?  Well I mean it's the same guy who's gonna do the tat so there's a level of comfortability there, sometimes I wish there was like a super obvious "I think of you as a friend" point.

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