name:: Jeremy(Ofc)
nickname:: Jerm(or jerebear;)
how old are you:: 15
zodiac sign:: Uhh idfk
current location:: Somewhere is space😎
eye color:: VERY dark brown
hair color:: Black(just like my soul🖤) 😭
hieght:: 5’11(so I’m basically 7 feet😎)
what's your middle name:: Don’t have one
shoe's you wore today:: Sum new balances
your weakness:: Idfk😭 pain or sum
your fear:: dying young
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: Fuck no😭(I wish smh)
do you want to:: die😈
goal you would like to achieve this year:: uhhh… not dying I guess
first thought when you wake up:: uhh…sex I think
best physical feature:: My eyes(or my d-😭)
who is your bestest freind:: my phone😝
when is your bedtime:: 2am(my sleep schedule is fucked ngl)
your most cherished memory:: One time i saw this random ass yt vid and I thought I had cancer😭😭
pepsi or coke:: Coke(idk how but it tastes more seasoned or something😭)
mc dondalds or burgerking:: Mcdonalds sprite> anything bk has ever made
singel or group dates:: 1on1 dates;)
what is the last song you sang::
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: Ofc🙄(they got nice hand work too;P)
what is your biggest pet peeve:: Chewing loud asf
do you drink:: Ewww no(it tastes terrible)
ever been drunk:: Nah
do you smoke:: Does second hand smoke count?
do you "SMOKE":: Ewww
do you sing:: Sometimes
what color underwear do you have on:: I don’t have any on right now;)
do you want to go to college:: Idek
have you ever been in love:: Ofc
do you wnat to get married:: Meh
do you believe in yourself:: Sometimes
do you believe inothers:: Always😎
do you like thunderstorms:: I like the sounds
do you play an instrument:: I wanna play the drums sooo baddddd😭
what do you want to be when you grow up:: An alien😈
what country would you like to visit:: North Korea😜
how many CD's do you own:: 0(nooooo)
how many DVD's do you own:: Do games count?
how many tattoo's do you have:: None
how many piercings do yo have:: None
how many things in the past do you regeret:: Ofc
shoes:: Idk😭
radio station:: My phone.
drink:: Ice cold dr pepper(I WANT ITTTT)
car:: Man idfk😭
place:: My room.
song:: Probably buried somewhere in here
movie:: Any horror movie
moment:: My birth🙄
color:: Black🖤(if I’m being honest probably dark red)
meal:: Ur soul😈
favorite eye color:: Anything but soul piercing blue😭
favorite hair color:: Anything fr
short or long hair:: Anything but bald
height:: Uhh… idk(just no midgets or giants)😭
body type:: Anything but a skeleton
does ethnicity matter:: Nah
piercings:: Dosent matter
tattoos:: Wut I just said^
do you think you are attractive:: Uhh…sometimes
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: maybe…..(maybe it’s you….)
would you like to be someones fantasy:: Ofc😝
hunter or hunted:: Hunter😈(or sometimes hunted;)
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: Eyes open(so I can stare into there soul😈)
a little or a lot of tongue:: The more tongue the better👅
older or younger:: 2 year gap max
lights on/lights off or candle light:: Barely any candle light
do you like to cuddle after:: Ofc🙄
do you like to cuddle in general:: Yea(plz cuddle with me)
what is todays date:: In North Korea it’s sept 26 113😛
what time is it:: Something:something
who are you thinking of:: Uhh…dick👅
what are you listening to:: My thoughts….
do you love someone:: Maybe;)
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: I ate it🤫
does someone love you:: Probably not ngl
is it raining:: Yea
how many myspace friends do you have:: all of them!!
are you happy:: Sometimes😭
the survey I took: Take this survey ->
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chat can I steal this
by Jeremy:o; ; Report
Chaos Conspiracies
i like 1 on 1 dates 2
but ig im kinda boring
I guess we’re both boring then lol
by Jeremy:o; ; Report