30 question survey by monotony
what band do you wish you could be in, from any time era?
nirvana feels like an obvious choice, but it resonates with my soul,, other than that maybeee Boa
what was your screen name on AIM? (if you weren't around for that, what's your gamer tag/alias)
shutterbug is my most used alias, but I've used applepi in the past and a few others
if you were a bird, where would you fly to, who/what would you shit on?
if I were a bird I'd fly to Jake gyllenhaals house and sleep in his bed
would you rather: be rich, alone, and hated..or poor but admired by everyone?
I feel as though I'm poor, alone, and hated,, soooo being rich and hated would be excellent. Then again I crave attention from my peers so this is a little tricky... im gonna say rich
pick one: teleportation or the ability to stop time
I'm gonna have to say the ability to stop time,, I'd love to be able to teleport, but I would be sooo lazy I need the exercise I get from walking all over campus
nirvana feels like an obvious choice, but it resonates with my soul,, other than that maybeee Boa
what was your screen name on AIM? (if you weren't around for that, what's your gamer tag/alias)
shutterbug is my most used alias, but I've used applepi in the past and a few others
if you were a bird, where would you fly to, who/what would you shit on?
if I were a bird I'd fly to Jake gyllenhaals house and sleep in his bed
would you rather: be rich, alone, and hated..or poor but admired by everyone?
I feel as though I'm poor, alone, and hated,, soooo being rich and hated would be excellent. Then again I crave attention from my peers so this is a little tricky... im gonna say rich
pick one: teleportation or the ability to stop time
I'm gonna have to say the ability to stop time,, I'd love to be able to teleport, but I would be sooo lazy I need the exercise I get from walking all over campus
what artist would you love to collaborate with?
I know this is probably talking in a musical sense, but I would love to work with Gregg Araki (film major type shii)
name a place that you would rather die than go visit
hmmm this is tough, gonna come back to this one
pick one: wear shutter shades for a week / wear flip flops with long socks for a week
shutter shades duhhh, I have a personality,, though I'm not against socks and sandals maybe just not socks and flops
who was the last person to unintentionally make you smile?
genuinely cannot think of anyone,,
name a phrase or two you started saying to be ironic, but ended up becoming part of your vocabulary
you've GOT to be rizzing me,, what the frick
have you ever felt bad for being right about something?
rarely, I feel worse when I'm right and people won't believe me orrr when I'm wrong
do you hate talking on the phone?
I fucking hate talking on the phone, but I'll make exceptions
what is your least favorite social media platform and why is it Facebook?
twitter cuz elon is an asshole but Facebook is second cuz Zuck is a fucking ass
pick one: see into the future / change the past
both seem like a recipe for disaster, but if I had no choice changing the past seems to be wayyy better
if you had to play a card game 1 hour a day for a week straight, what would it be? (not restricted to traditional card games, trading card games also count)
pick one: pool / hot tub
hot tub for sureee, idc if everyone says they're super gross I love them
if you were re-incarnated as a Pokémon whomst would it be?
according to peer review gothitelle
do you think Coca-Cola(tm) tastes better in a glass bottle or is there literally no difference?
metal degradation from the sodas can cause the soda to taste different! I just hate it in a plastic bottle,, I'll deal with metal or glass
if you were the creator of a cartoon/comic/anime/manga what would it be about?
hookers, monsters, crazy apocalyptic fucking
what is something you have been lectured about, but still haven't learned the lesson?
what musician or musical group needs to make a comeback in 2025?
ummmm,, I actually don't mind that the artists I like aren't active rn! I think a lot of modern fandoms could kinda ruin it
make up a slang term and define it for us
cock-rocker,, I think you know what it means
the best time of my day is when i get to ___________
scroll mindlessly on instagram reels
name a celebrity you would like to have a civil conversation with and one you would like to yell at
Jake Gyllenhaal andddddd Taylor Swift (two unrelated answers that's connected by a shocking past)
what did you do on your most enjoyable birthday celebration? if all your birthdays sucked, what would be the ideal birthday for you?
one year I invited all of my friends over to watch my favorite movies and bought a shit ton of snacks,, everyone dressed up for the occasion (each to different movies)
would you rather live on a farm in the middle of nowhere or live in a tiny studio apartment right in the middle of everything
I think I'd like to have a little of both, can I commute!
if you were given the ability to communicate with animals for a day would you do it or would you fear what they might say?
me and my cat could have an amazing conversation, I miss my baby so much being away at school and WISH I could talk to her on the phone
what game are you horrible at but still have fun playing?
any of the Kirby games,, dress to impress
name something that makes you sweat and you don't mind it
name two activities you wish you could do simultaneously but it just isn't possible
running and breathing
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