I want to start making more blogs on this site and posting more, I was on TikTok and saw so many people trying to push this Capitalist diet on the Public, One woman on TikTok claimed the Beef Industry "WAS TOTALLY SUSTAINABLE" and "RAW UNPASTEURIED MILK" is "HEALTHY" which is total clownery, I might start making more Anti-Capitalism YouTube themed vlogs on here maybe idk
My YouTube videos:
-Why The Carnivore Diet Is A Capitalism Atrocity & Bad For Society (DEEP-DIVE) Science Facts:
-PURE EVIL The Beef Cattle Meat Industry (DEEP-DIVE):
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extremism online is a PLAGUE since covid.
Entire generations are turning around to it, infected by some kind of informational disease that makes them all of a sudden reject real factual science.
It's terrifying!
I myself grew up vegetarian all my hildhood and i developed FINE! these hoaxes around the meat industry are crazy, and i'm not even vegetarian now. (though i mostly only eat fish)
Big pharma and farms are slowly poisoning us. my entire country is fighting over it.
I hope the world stops being too much of a mess soon.
Agreed, Same!!!!
by LavenderLushLuxury ☭; ; Report