Can you tell im bored
Name: Pancake
Nickname: Nick? From left 4 dea?
How old are you?: 19
Zodiac sign: Capricoooorn!!1
Current location: BEAST COAST
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Dark brown
Hair type: I got like a high top rn I need a better hair style but this one is low maintenence
Height: 5'11
Your heritage: Furthest back I know on the black side is the Carolinas and IRELAND BABYY
What's your middle name: Pancake
Shoes you wore today: Some Steph Currys
Goal you would like to achieve this year: Year's almost over idk i need some canned coochie
First thought when you wake up: "not again"
Who is your bestest friend?: fucking juicy ham 44 I guess
Your most cherished memory: Went to Iceland, that was cool as shit
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke zero but it dont matter me none
McDondald's or Burger King?: McDonalds but again who cares, you big and greedy if u care
What is the last song you sang?: Unwritten by Natasha Bettingfeel or whatever that shit is PEAK
Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive?: Prolly, I'm not the best person to ask
What is your biggest pet peeve?: I dont know I hate people for a lot. I guess doing things inefficiently
Do you drink?: Whenever I can
Ever been drunk?: Not craaazy but yuh
Do you smoke?: Hell nah
Do you "SMOKE"?: Nah I play like Jax n Kung Lao
Do you sing?: I wanna do karaoke soooo bad you got no idea
Do you want to go to college?: Loaded question for someone in college
Have you ever been in love?: nope
Do you want to get married?: in 10 years or so but like yuh
Do you believe in yourself?: I'm the best
Do you believe in others?: Nope
Do you like thunderstorms?: Is that a thing to like, I have no emotions towards thunderstorms
Do you play an instrument?: Trumpet, Baritone Horn, Piano, and Saxophone. I suck at all of em and I wanna try drums
What country would you like to visit?: Australia mate crikey
How many CDs do you own?: Idk man why would I buy CDs my parents have CDs
How many DVDs do you own?: dvds nuts, same answer. But actually I do want to cop the FNAF movie on dvd
How many tattoos do you have?: NEVA NEVA NEVA
How many piercings do you have?: Alt ass questionnaire
How many things in the past do you regret?: Weird ass question, probably not getting closure with some people
Shoes: I had some orange KDs, those were cool
Radio station: MINE. College radio is pretty fun
Drink: Seltzer Water probably
Car: ? I probably have the most memories in my mom's XC90 but that's long gone
Place: My bed prolly
Song: Do Ya Thing - Gorillaz
Movie: Fuckin Zootopia idk
Moment: When I was allowed to pass a class I didnt go to
Meal: General Tso's Chicken always hits
What is todays date?: 9/26/2024
What time is it?: 12:06am
Who are you thinking of?: This? Idk I'm listening to this random playlist and Rick Ross came on so him too now his drake disstrack, now white drake
What are you listening to?: "Pop That" by French Montana, first time listening on Spotify and I've definitely heard it before, it's cool
Does someone love you?: My family, idk how many friends. I usually classify it with "Who would go to my funeral" and there's a few.
Is it raining?: Dry.
How many Spacehey friends do you have?: No clue imma say 18
Are you happy?: I'm trying man
holy shit that took so long
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REAL ASF true anti waffle propoganga i learnt things even though knowing you for 4 years